Hunt Talker Hunt 2014

It looks very nice Ross. Hope the wife is enjoying it too! I think you should get a matching rug of yours from this year. Afterall we are going to have two lifesize bears in our house.
Been back for a few days, mainly trying to sleep off the soreness :)
Ha! Sounds like you had a good time then. Welcome back. I'm guessing the weather there was better than the hot/humid stuff we have going on right now.
Needed some dental work

Thought you guys might like to see the skull from this bear. The biologist that looked a tthe skull while it was at the taxidermist thought it was one of the older bears he had ever seen, and guessed he was definately over 16 years old. He wasn't in the best shape and looked like he hadn't wintered very well, possibly due to the poor shape of his teeth. Given that black bear have 6 teeth between canines he had completely worn down the middle 4 teeth between his upper canines to the point where they were calcified over. There is a good chance he wouldn't have made it through the next winter.

This makes me even more thankful for the opportunity to take this bear.

That old boy had definitely seen some years. Easily the coolest bear I've encountered hunting. Great trophy you have there.
Thought you guys might like to see the skull from this bear. The biologist that looked a tthe skull while it was at the taxidermist thought it was one of the older bears he had ever seen, and guessed he was definately over 16 years old. He wasn't in the best shape and looked like he hadn't wintered very well, possibly due to the poor shape of his teeth. Given that black bear have 6 teeth between canines he had completely worn down the middle 4 teeth between his upper canines to the point where they were calcified over. There is a good chance he wouldn't have made it through the next

As a dentist, I am thinking that he has totally lost his four incisors and the bone has healed over those exfoliation sites. He has really broken down molars on his left side, and from what I know a bear dental anatomy (I stayed at a Holiday Inn express last night! ) he is in severe trouble. A human tooth looking like that is looking at an extraction or a root canal followed by a crown.

As far as periodontal health (gum disease) goes, dude bear must have been a pretty conscientious flosser.


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I ate the last of my bear from this hunt. I counted 30 different people that got to share the meat with from everyone at this years camp to many friends (hunters and non-hunters) here in CA.

A pretty great wrap up of this bear hunt.


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