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Hunt Talker Hunt 2014

Drahthaar's already found seven bears on Google Earth. Fact.
Wouldn't have believed you if you hadn't included "fact". Drahthaar's the man! Lot of south slopes starting to get bare around here. I think we'll be able to find some green grass :)
How do we plan on keeping our camping area 'bear proof'? This is all new to me, so I'm not sure what we need to do.

Here is what the forest service has to say about it. Pay particular attention to the highlighted sentence at the end:D

KEEP YOUR CAMP CLEAN - Odors attract bears! Store your food and garbage properly at all times. Keep your tent and sleeping bag free of all food smells. Store the clothes you wore while cooking or eating with your food. Burn all grease off grills and camp stoves. Wipe table and cleanup eating area thoroughly.
STORE YOUR FOOD SAFELY - Store all your food, coolers, and the clothes worn while you were eating in your car trunk or suspended from a tree - at least 10 feet off the ground and 4 feet out from the tree trunk. Don't underestimate the ingenuity of a bear!
DISPOSE OF GARBAGE PROPERLY- Put it in bear-proof garbage cans where available or secure it with your food and then pack it out. Don't burn or bury garbage. Bears will dig it up.
SLEEP WELL AWAY FROM FOOD AREAS - Move some distance away from your cooking area or food storage site. (if you have children, do not to let them bring food in the tent with them)
STORE ANY TOILETRIES SAFELY - Store them with your food. Like other scents, the smell of toiletries may attract bears. Abstain from sexual activity. Practice good personal hygiene.
How do we plan on keeping our camping area 'bear proof'? This is all new to me, so I'm not sure what we need to do.

Eat, Drink and be merry for tomorrow we may be mauled...

And no squeeling like a pig... leave that for the southern banjo boys...
Keep your tent and sleeping bag free of all food smells.

(if you have children, do not to let them bring food in the tent with them)

Abstain from sexual activity. Practice good personal hygiene.[/QUOTE]

^^^Four reasons I believe Cush is gonna get mauled on this trip. The only thing that could make it more certain is if it said "No consumption of alcohol".
Don't be scaring the boys off with all this grizzly, tick, and snow up to the crotch talk.........at least until they buy their non-resident tags. :D

Another tip for you gals is to try to avoid being on the rag while your out here. Bears really like that. ;)