Hunt Talker Hunt 2014

Laffin. Randy knows that area much better than me! I just hope to help a little since i drive by it twice a week. Maybe figure out a few good spots to hunt. I wish everyone was coming in after may 15. I think this is one of those years where we're gonna wish our season went to june 15!
I will sure help as much as i can. Hopefully a few guys can take a bear home.
I'll be just as happy to drink a few Moose Drools around the campfire with you guys and do some fly fishing and turkey hunting...if I don't get a bear, to me, the trip will still be a success
I have never hunted in griz country before. Any of you guys have any reccomendations for bear spray? I have been looking at the FHF holster and 8 or 10oz counterassault package. What do you guys use?
I have the 8.1oz counter assault with a holster that I attach to the hip belt on my pack. As long as you are using actual "Bear spray" and not pepper spray designed for human use, you should be fine.

I am pretty sure that you can not travel via commercial airlines with more than 4oz of pepper/chemical spray in your checked in baggage.
I have heard a few horror stories of guys dealing with the feds when a griz was killed in self defense. They are considered an endangered species and they tend to take it pretty seriously. If at all possible, I would rather spray an aggressive bear than deal with an aggressive federal investigation.

I have killed two black bears at close range with a pistol, but I feel much more confident in hitting a charging grizzly in the brush with a fog of orange spray than with my 44.
For us that are traveling by air and may not be able to bring spray in our checked baggage where in Missoula is the place to go buy when we arrive?
I ordered the 8.1 counter assault with the FHF holster. Pretty good deal for the combo on the FHF site. Even if I am going to be packing a 7mm, the spray seems like it might be the way to go.
The closest sporting good stores to the airport are:

Sportsmans Warehouse
2323 N Reserve St, Missoula, Mt 59808

3275 N Reserve St K-2, Missoula, Mt 59808

There is also:

Bob Wards
3015 Paxson St, Missoula, Montana 59801
And u dont need to buy the big can. The difference is 2 seconds of spray. If its gonna turn a bear, its gonna turn it quick. If it doesnt, u tried. Point ur rifle.
I am sure anyone will find a reason to rationalize the use / carry of either or both:

Here is an interesting set of statistics from the bear world of the U.S. - Alaska.
Efficacy of Bear Deterrent Spray in Alaska
Of the 72 cases where persons sprayed bears to defend themselves, 50 (69%) involved brown bears, 20
(28%) black bears, and 2 (3%) polar bears. Red pepper spray stopped bears’ undesirable behavior 92% of the time when used on brown bears,
90%for black bears, and 100%for polar bears. Of all persons carrying sprays, 98%were uninjured by bears in close-range encounters. All bearinflicted
injuries (n¼3) associated with defensive spraying involved brown bears and were relatively minor (i.e., no hospitalization required). In
7% (5 of 71) of bear spray incidents, wind was reported to have interfered with spray accuracy, although it reached the bear in all cases. In 14%
(10 of 71) of bear spray incidents, users reported the spray having had negative side effects upon themselves, ranging from minor irritation
(11%, 8 of 71) to near incapacitation (3%, 2 of 71).
I'm glad you posted that... I'm a total newb and felt the .44 mag would be better defense. I will be getting some spray in Missoula when I get up there. I'll still carry the .44 for when I'm turkey hunting if I can get a close up shot on a black bear. Thanks for the info and enlightenment!!
On the topic of self defense, I would highly recommend that everyone who comes treat their clothes with a product containing permithrin to deter ticks. There are a lot of wood and dog ticks active this time of year and you will probably be finding several a day on you.
While not common in Montana, my wife contracted Lymes disease several years ago from a wood tick. It took her several years to be diagnosed properly and she is now undergoing treatment with some success. Lymes is not something to take lightly and is very expensive to treat once symptoms become severe. Prevention is much easier than cure and there are a lot of products that contain permithrin and are designed to be sprayed on clothing. One application lasts for several weeks and repeated washings. You'll want to apply the spray and give it plenty of time to dry before wearing treated clothes to keep from absorbing it into your skin when you perspire.
On Meateater this evening he showed getting bluff charged by a grizzly sow...HOLY CRAP!!! She got within like 10 yards and turned. I think I would have shat my pants.
On Meateater this evening he showed getting bluff charged by a grizzly sow...HOLY CRAP!!! She got within like 10 yards and turned. I think I would have shat my pants.

I saw that episode as well, holy sh^t is right, but what I found interesting is I don't recall him pulling his bear spray out and at least preparing for a good old fogging!!! Watching that reminded me why some (experts) say to practice bear spraying (or praying) before entering Grizz country. I just hope none of us experience that on the HT hunt :eek:

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