Caribou Gear

Hunt Talk Logo almost done

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Lots of good comments from you guys. It is down to this final design, maybe with the arrow, maybe not. Maybe a more simplistic arrow. Right now, it looks a little busy with the arrow as it is.

Final decision to be made soon, based on feedback from printers, embroidery company, and Mrs. Fin (she probably has the greatest vote).

Here are four different colors of the three arrow schemes being considered, two with shadows and one without. Anything embroidered will not have shadows. Digital and print logos surely could.


The two hats that will be used are similar to what you see there. The brown hat will have a brown backing, not white. Hats will have the "Hunt Talk" text. Still not sure if the hats will have the arrow, or not.


Will also be printing this for truck decals. Crazy as it sounds, if we can keep it at a certain size, the shipping is about 1/3 the price, making it a lot easier to sell some.

I hope Mrs. Fin makes up her mind in the next week. Gotta get some of this stuff printed and embroidered, and get the website logo updated consistently throughout the site.
I think I like the blue or orange without shadows. On the hats, the two front sections need to be something other than brown. I think black might be best, but the earth tone brown with the blue or orange is a bit odd to me. Or maybe more natural, less bright highlight colors.
green or orange #3

I think the sitka hat would look awesome with the hunt talk logo on the back and the HT on the front
I think the green or orange looks sharp. For what it's worth I think the colored broadheads on the arrows make it way too busy....
I like the versions with fletching color to match the lettering the most and I'd vote for yellow or gold first, then the green, but I'd certainly listen to Mrs. Fin before me.
orange or green looks the best to me on the hats.colored arrow balances logo,I'm thinkin'.
Green or Orange. and colored fletchings and nock, but not broadhead.

Slightly different topic, but on TV shows you will see certain hosts wear big black cowboy hats or almost solid black ball caps. They shoot a lot of critters so I shouldn't judge, but personally I don't like my hunting clothes to be so dark that I look like a black blob out there. I especially find it odd when the same guys are spot and stalk hunting mulies in the golden prairie grasses or oat fields and have a black cap sticking up as they try to sneak in. Seems silly to me, but what do I know. So, I would like to see caps offered in lighter color tones with just the dark logo.
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