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Hunt Talk gettin chippy

Gun registration/Obama, crossbows,,,,,lighted nocs for the win.
Ok fart jokes are hilarious... When is this chico thing happening that the best idea I have read on here in a month! Hell we could make a rd trip out of it and go to Cushman's after Chico.... .308, burgers , and Ginger are all a no brainer!!!
Only during elk muzzleloader season
So we can stalk straight in during the archery only season in our buckskin breechcloths with our traditional bows, cedar arrows, possibles bags full of pemmican and Cold Smoke ... as long as we wear camo flip flops?
So we can stalk straight in during the archery only season in our buckskin breechcloths with our traditional bows, cedar arrows, possibles bags full of pemmican and Cold Smoke ... as long as we wear camo flip flops?

As long as you whip and nae nae down my driveway towards my house listening to some weird ass music NHY picked
That observation is on target. And it is a "time of year thing."

That said, it doesn't have to be that way. When I see it headed that direction, I try to intervene.

If I had one request to all Hunt Talkers, it would be to have your positions and beliefs, stand by them, but when providing your perspective, be civil and respectful when you express yourself here. Painting with broad strokes, using labels to group people just because they have a different perspective on the topic, and talk in a condescending manner all contribute to this chippiness.

The most difficult task of own this forum is trying to allow valuable debate to occur on topics we find so important, yet not letting passion turn into emotion. Passion sells your point. Emotion is a completely turn off and is grounds to get a PM from me.

Thanks for bringing this up and allowing it to serve as a reminder. We have a long winter ahead of us, so let's try to have great debates while still respecting those of differing opinions.

I agree Randy. I think the problem is there hasn't been anything done by you to people attacking people. I was brought up in an Oregon thread that I never even posted in.

Why is it that you let that kind of "stuff" go on?
I agree Randy. I think the problem is there hasn't been anything done by you to people attacking people. I was brought up in an Oregon thread that I never even posted in.

Why is it that you let that kind of "stuff" go on?

I don't think Randy 'let's it go on'. He's been hunting and busy and might not have caught some things. I don't think it's done on purpose or out of spite towards any particular members to allow them to be talked about or against. He deals with stuff when he catches it and when he can. He's been pretty good about it in the years I've been an active poster here. He's also not here to babysit.

Now...back to the midgets and bong hits... :D
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This forum is peaceful, compared to another one that shall remain nameless. The abuse, however, gets pretty hilarious at times, as it shows how quickly people can turn into grade-schoolers when they get angry.