Hunt Talk gettin chippy

We should stick to important topics like .270 vs .280, brats vs hamburgers, and Ginger vs. Mary Anne.

If we're all going to Cushmans, lets call it Rendezvous like in the 1800's. My only concern is if eastern tenderfoots are welcome. Oh well, I bet if I bring beer I'm fine.

I used to be one of you Eastern tenderfoots. I grew up in Upstate NY near Rochester :D
Part of my response to a recent essay on centered on this very topic/issue.

We live in a defensive society. If someone takes up a position that differs from your own, even when they are on the same side of the fence, we immediately go on the defensive. Look no further than the many hunting forms we all take part in. Level headed conversations are difficult to come by and you can forget debating someone using facts; ironic when you consider how quickly information can be had. As hunters we should refrain from being so defensive, especially in these times. Also it is important for us hunters to keep in mind that our numbers are growing. Those joining the hunting community won’t always fit the traditional mold, but we shouldn’t exclude them. We don’t have to adopt the new ideas and philosophies they bring with them, heck you don't even have to like their ideas. Being such a diverse group is what makes us so great. Diversity amongst our ranks shows the masses that we aren’t a bunch of gun toting buffoons.

There are real issues facing the entire hunting community beyond this silly bickering. For example; access to our beloved hunting grounds, the spread of chronic wasting disease and commercialized hunting. Instead of looking for things to get defensive about I challenge my fellow hunters to read up on some of the real issues and go on the offensive to protect this right we cherish.

Deep, way to deep. We are mostly rednecks except for NHY and Lamb. They are educated and use big words.
I have 3 college degrees on top of numerous schools from the military and I still think fart jokes are awesome :D

As I always tell my wife, the real question is, What's NOT funny about a fart?

By the way the correct answers to my former post was .270, hamburgers, and Mary Anne.
My edginess has to do with a tough, cold high country hunt and right when I am about to drop the hammer on a HUGE bull elk (I nicknamed him ElkasaurusGigantus)...some guy with his flat-brim hat jumps up then runs past me though the chain link gate and blasts MY bull. The nerve. Anyway, have been more ornery than a blind mule pulling a plow backward uphill. My apologies.
Man this site is tame to some of our forums back East!!!! If it's not belligerent by the 3rd post your doing something wrong. This post in itself with the responses above although comical show at the core of how cool the group in general really is.
Hank, Devon is probably in bed so I'll answer for him; "tosser" is the same as "wanker" more or less, means one who plays with himself for sexual satisfaction.
LOL,I suspected ,but never looked up what the ex was calling me
.....the blonde Limey.
I always just thought it was Brit for least I never earned a poofter....

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