Hunt Talk Fantasy Football League with Prizes

While situating a Cabela's gift card for Mr. Hunt Talk Fantasy Football Champ (and well established HT Goat packer) came across this method to pass my g/c to the champ. It's a simple way to email the g/c directly to Goatman.

This is a nice last minute Christmas g/c for any friends/family you might have missed as well. :)

Grats again Duck-Slayer!


Need to figure some sheeva trophy for the loser - pass it around each year. :)
Yeah, sounds good to me. I will get your gift card headed your way this week
I'm in for next year for sure. I was hoping to salvage a .500 season in the consolation playoffs but it wasn't too be..

Great season duck-slayer, congrats!
Great job Duck-Slayer! Gift crd coming your way! I’m down for next year also. Just so I can make sure that everybody sent their gift would you please send me a private message and let me know that you shipped it that would be great!
Hey guys,

FYI duckslayer has only received 5 of the 11 prizes he’s owed. Mine is on its way so there’s 5 more people that need to get their prize out to him. Let me know if you need his mailing address and I’ll get it to you.

Hey guys,

FYI duckslayer has only received 5 of the 11 prizes he’s owed. Mine is on its way so there’s 5 more people that need to get their prize out to him. Let me know if you need his mailing address and I’ll get it to you.


If they've not sent, doubt they will. Best to define who followed through and maintain a list for future events. A couple more events and it should fine tune the members enjoyment.

Was thinking of crafting an Elmer fudd droopy shotgun picture that would pass around for last place, something along the lines of The League's (TV show) Sheeva Trophy... Though more hunt related - and fun. Each year have the date and Hunt Talk UserID added. :D
If they've not sent, doubt they will. Best to define who followed through and maintain a list for future events. A couple more events and it should fine tune the members enjoyment.

Was thinking of crafting an Elmer fudd droopy shotgun picture that would pass around for last place, something along the lines of The League's (TV show) Sheeva Trophy... Though more hunt related - and fun. Each year have the date and Hunt Talk UserID added. :D

I'm optimistic the good people of HT will come through!
I say next year we send all prizes to the moderator before the season starts or during the season. Makes it so you have to pay up front to play.
I'm optimistic the good people of HT will come through!
I say next year we send all prizes to the moderator before the season starts or during the season. Makes it so you have to pay up front to play.

We did this with a MLB Fantasy Baseball deal set up by Dainer a couple/few years back and it turned out pretty good. Though g/C's were not involved. The Commissioner of the league had us PayPal transfer $ (think $50) to be given the password to join the league.
I would be game for something similar though maybe $25 vs $50.
How about Yahoo vs NFL for the Fantasy Football League. Yahoo is much more user friendly from review of players to comparisons. Also adds more frills of weekly updates, team vs team graded reviews, etc.
Whichever, I am game to join next year though figure it's worth a shot tossing the Yahoo portion out there.
We did this with a MLB Fantasy Baseball deal set up by Dainer a couple/few years back and it turned out pretty good. Though g/C's were not involved. The Commissioner of the league had us PayPal transfer $ (think $50) to be given the password to join the league.
I would be game for something similar though maybe $25 vs $50.
How about Yahoo vs NFL for the Fantasy Football League. Yahoo is much more user friendly from review of players to comparisons. Also adds more frills of weekly updates, team vs team graded reviews, etc.
Whichever, I am game to join next year though figure it's worth a shot tossing the Yahoo portion out there.

That's a great idea, I think I'll go the Paypal route next year
I’m in next year for sure, PayPal is ok but they generally have a fee. I like the NFL fantasy over, ESPN and BIFFL sites. Only other 2 I’ve played. A prepaid visa would be another way to do it also.
I’m in next year for sure, PayPal is ok but they generally have a fee. I like the NFL fantasy over, ESPN and BIFFL sites. Only other 2 I’ve played. A prepaid visa would be another way to do it also.

It's a fee if handled under business pretense, if I recall correctly. If personal I do not believe there is a fee though it's been a while.

How does the prepaid Visa work? Each person who wants to join has some form of payment to a single prepaid visa held by the Commissioner? Then once the winner is announced, that Visa is mailed?

There is also a "Google pay" app that has no fee to send / receive $. Have the commissioner as a contact and it's pretty much instant. Everyone sends the $25 to commissioner then whomever wins, the commissioner Google pays it right to the winner.

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