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my wife wanted hummingbird feeders for Mother’s Day. Well that was easy enough so we got two! Today there was 4 different hummingbirds at once! A hummingbird can fly forward, backwards, up, down or hover. They do this by flapping their wings over 50 times a second!
Who else enjoys hummingbirds?
They also kill raptors with their pointed beaks.
Had a Calliope male show up about 5 days ago then a Black Chin male showed up and they've kept the feeders busy. Last night seen the first female show up and she is skittish. So spring has come to Central Idaho. Wild flowers are blooming not much down in the valley's yet. Been watching hummingbirds since the 70's. Love watching them. While on lookouts always put feeders up. Had to bring the feeders in at night because of wind. I've had them waiting at the door first thing in the mornings and even had them come inside to get to the feeder during big wind storms. They have good eyesight and lookouts have a lot of windows.
I was looking in books for wildflowers they like that might grow here. They come into the yard to look at the apple flowers but find little to eat. One stopped on Rios water bucket under the spigot and got a drink. He liked the red handle.
Can't wait for the locust trees to bloom this week. They love those flowers.
We had one stop by on 5/7 (east of Larami, WY), but haven't seen anymore since. I think he called his buddies and told them to wait a couple weeks until it actually warms up!!
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