Caribou Gear Tarp


My neighbor down the road keeps several feeders out. Those little folks are a constant source of amusement.
Sometimes, I'll take a small thermos of coffee and go sit and chat with Charlie and watch the humming birds!
My neighbor down the road keeps several feeders out. Those little folks are a constant source of amusement.
Sometimes, I'll take a small thermos of coffee and go sit and chat with Charlie and watch the humming birds!
Last year I just had to quit filling the feeders. I couldn’t keep up. There would be 20+ at a time fighting for positions on the feeders. They are fun to watch, but they get so angry when you don’t feed them! 😂
Last year I just had to quit filling the feeders. I couldn’t keep up. There would be 20+ at a time fighting for positions on the feeders. They are fun to watch, but they get so angry when you don’t feed them! 😂
They know where we sit and if a feeder gets air locked or is empty they come to the window and tell us to get our butt out there and fix it.
Ruby throated hummers here in Pa. We love hearing their "DogFights"
We have 1 in our feeder array and 1 up on the 2nd floor. 20210504_190911.jpgAShephard hook stand would last maybe 3 days here. Black bears.

Note the feed supply storage and feeders are inside a 3 strand, barbed, electric fence. The only way to keep our feeders safe.
Ruby throated hummers here in Pa. We love hearing their "DogFights"
We have 1 in our feeder array and 1 up on the 2nd floor. View attachment 182443AShephard hook stand would last maybe 3 days here. Black bears.

Note the feed supply storage and feeders are inside a 3 strand, barbed, electric fence. The only way to keep our feeders safe.
That’s dedication! We don’t have to worry about bears but coons and opossums will visit.
Last year I just had to quit filling the feeders. I couldn’t keep up. There would be 20+ at a time fighting for positions on the feeders. They are fun to watch, but they get so angry when you don’t feed them! 😂
I thought I was being dramatic with how aggressive they are, but these little buggers are hovering in my face when I mess with their feeder (to fill mind you) and begin drinking before it's even hung back on the hook again.

I just bought a 10 pound bag of sugar the other week, but alas, they've already gone through most of it.
Bought two hanging baskets of flowers tonight and hung them up, now my house had sat empty for 2 years until I bought it in February and remodeled it, and within ten minutes had a hummingbird checking flowers out. Feeders are coming soon.
We got to watch these little fellas get laid and hatch in our backyard this year. It was so neat to watch mamma take care of them. Crazy how tough they are. We had a spring storm come in and hammer her with hail and freezing temps... and they were all fine. Unfortunately a stray cat located the nest and ate them. Reason #1,348 why I hate cats

We get hundreds and make nectar 5 gallons at a time. So far only about 20 or so, but more arriving daily. It's downright dangerous when 100's are buzzing around. Last year my daughter got hit in the face when she walked around the corner of the house. We've got three species. black chinned, broad tailed, and rufous sided, although the latter is not shown as occurring in this area. They have loads of fun burning up free energy with reckless abandon.
Last year I noticed the hummingbirds wouldn't even wait for me to hang the newly filled feeders before landing. If we stand still, they will land inches away to feed. It's amazing to see them up close. We have to use a ladder and hang our feeders high due to furred critters of various sorts.
we planted pink honeysuckle at our house and have then most mornings and evenings sometimes I have my coffee n sit and watch em
First hummingbird showed up at the feeder three days ago. Seeing a lot up in the mountains.

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