

They have shown up in Pie Town,right on time for apple & apricot blossoms on my new trees. Had a blast watching a couple enjoy the sprinkler watering the grass wildflower mix lawn/meadow area around house.
They like the red hydrant handle & one even rested on my knee. They will have to wait for the real deal as I don't encourage tweekers with
Put the feeders and sliced oranges out here in central Wisco, but no takers, other than something walked off with half an orange. Waiting patiently
Every year when we do big backcountry work trips the hummingbirds will come check out our work packs (many are brightly colored). I'm assuming they are licking up the sweat. I try like hell to get pictures but they're just blurs.

I have seen some crazy violent fights between males while camping. The amount of noise that comes from such a small bird is frightening!
One of the first things I'll do when I get into the new house is hang a humming bird feeder. Last year we had one male Anna's humming bird that devoted his whole life to trying to keep all other humming birds away from "his" feeder. It was always entertaining to watch him chase one away while three others came in to feed.
The hummingbirds are back! I hadn’t put my feeders out yet but when I opened the garage this morning a hummingbird flew right to face as if to say “Where’s my food?!?” So I quickly got the feeders out and filled them! Neotropical migrants usually arrive to the Driftless area a few days before or after the first Friday of May! 1EC8E478-120F-4CEC-9E97-8399352E5F02.jpeg
I miss the variety of hummingbirds we had in Montana. Here, there's only one species, though they're still a ton of fun to watch.
The hummingbirds are back! I hadn’t put my feeders out yet but when I opened the garage this morning a hummingbird flew right to face as if to say “Where’s my food?!?” So I quickly got the feeders out and filled them! Neotropical migrants usually arrive to the Driftless area a few days before or after the first Friday of May! View attachment 221483
Just told my wife the other day that after the cold snap im putting ours out.
We had one buzzing me on the porch Friday last. Mrs came out of the hardware store on Saturday with a new glass feeder. I buy expensive guns, she...
I'm not up on all the species like some here.
We are seeing different colors of birds this year. That first bird was more orange than red.
Hummer feeders are here all year long, if you don't take a hummingbird in the face while rounding a corner something is
wrong...Some folks around here wear helmets? :unsure:
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