Caribou Gear

How your license money gets stolen

Looks like the Tea Baggers had quite the effect on Montana politics. I'm not a Republican, that's for sure. I'm not sure what I am anymore. I do know what I'm not!
They literally need to be ran out into the streets:mad: I love how the different groups make it sound like Hunters wanted the wolves and so now its our problem to help come up with ways to control them and pay for damages. Like Ben mentioned in another thread the Ag industry wants everyone else to pay for their inconveniences. He used coyotes on sheep as the example. They want hunter dollars to pay for damages like the mangy dogs are ours:confused: Like Fin said too many siphons in the tank and the well will run dry.

I know you can't run them in the streets and dispatch them like in olden days but maybe run them in the streets and give em wedgies or something. They need out and a message needs to be sent that this crap isn't tolerated.

Outstanding and spot on as usual. SB 348 is another attempt to take our license dollars and give them to a group who has a hand out. While I have sympathy for their problems, as we are tied to the same lack of management on the wolf issue, they need to stop their assault on hunters and anglers.

SB 348 is a direct subsidy to the livestock industry, and it forces hunters to fund a federal program. When FWP can't afford to fly to do spring counts in all areas, and wardens and biologists haven't had raises in 3 years, and we lose quality folks because the Sheriff's department or the Oil and Gas industry pays better, I believe that this bill is just another bite at the apple the legislature has coveted, and held in contempt for so long.

SB 390 was amended heavily to create a voluntary donation to pay wildlife services to go shoot coyotes. It will be interesting to see how much money that donation generates. It will be more interesting to see how Wildlife Services justifies the use of that money. If it goes towards trapping skunks, etc at freezeout, then fine. If it goes to WS so they can fly and kill coyotes for sheep producers, who exactly does that help?

I spent 4 years working on wildlife control issues in WY on their Animal Damage Management Board. Maybe that made me jaded here, but I have a hard time believing WS will do much of anything when it comes to meaningful or needed predator work for wildlife.
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