Kenetrek Boots

How many stands?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>How many stands do you make during a day of hard hunting? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It is impossible for me to come up with an exact number, because I am doing different things. I drive a 1986 Chevy Submarine that gets 10 miles to the gallon, up hill, down hill, or shot off a cliff, so I like to make a full day of it - sun up until sundown. After 11:00 AM, I might try to call my regular schedule of being on a stand 15-20 minutes, or I might start driving around looking for good stand possibilities, and go back to calling about 3:00 PM until dark. It just depends.

Bottom line, if you go all day long, take full advantage of the time in the field.

Take care.
Eight to ten stands would be the average if hunting the whole day. I try to get in 5-6 in the a.m., which depending on the solunar tables, I might make those same five a.m. stands more like 11am-2pm, instead of the early morning. I usually lay up under the truck till 3?, then head to stands I like for evening calling, and try to get in three or four stands before dark. My average time on a stand calling, is around fifteen minutes. Lots of driving time.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-15-2003 22:26: Message edited by: BalaPlata ]</font>
Hard hunting. I make 10 or 12 min stands, in a good area I make the stands about a 1/2 mile apart. I hunt from sun up to sun up to sun up. No sleep all weekend, that's hard hunting lol. As an old competition hunter, I can tell you more stands produce more animals.
Just out of curiousity Danny....when was the last time you hunted 72 hours straight? All the photos I see, show you back in the 60's? your a damned dottering old fool like the rest of us now
how do you hunt now, not how did you hunt then.
Never hunted 72 hrs stright, that would kill me lol. I use to do 48 hrs and I have not done that since the 90s. That's when the CSVCA ended and so did all the competition hunting. Now I just go out and call em in the hard way, most times I don't even take them. At the young age of 60 I can still hold my own with these young wipper snappers and I don't even use camo lol.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-16-2003 11:42: Message edited by: Danny Batastini ]</font>
Great story Bruce, I know the over whelming feeling of a bunch of coyotes on the same stand...very cool. I saw your tracks out there on that long stretch of dirt road...another one of my honey holes shot in the ass
The north end gets to choked with creosote for my taste, but the further south you get, the better the calling ehh
Danny, I know northern Mex like the back of my sack;but the places you were once intimate with, are long gone my friend, where you once called coyotes are condos and cat houses now. Don't live in the past, Mexico is for all practical purposes, out of the question for hunting now. Unless you have connections with one of the local ranchers, access, as well as shootin irons are a beauracratic snafu no weave your way thru. I still know a few places that always give me an invite to come down and shoot coyotes,deer, or just shoot the shit, but I tend to stay clear of Mexico any more.....Im perfectly happy in my home country.
Hasta luego,y hasta pronto mi amigo!

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