How many deer can you kill in your home state?

Not a state, but in our canadian province (alberta). You could theoretically could take quite a few depending on the year as regs change and zones around the province have different draws/general limits.

Depending on the year.

Antlered = any cervid with an antler length over 4"
Antlerless = any cervid with an antler length under 4" (button bucks would be counted as antleress).

White tail general (antlered or antlerless) 1
White tail supplemental (antlerless) 1 or 2 depends on the year, changes every few years.
Mule deer antlered general/draw 1
Mule deer antlerless general/draw 1

So, 4 or 5 I guess. That would be crazy though since the northern white tail mature does are over 200 lbs and the bucks are over 300 lbs.
In Michigan!……..oh hell, nobody cares.
Ain't that the truth. They have so many new rules it's hard to keep up. Basically 2 bucks, 1 must have 4 one side. Unlimited doe tags, 20 dollars per tag. 5 dollars late season. Seasons of one type or another from September to end of January.
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