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How many days do you rifle hunt specifically for deer in your home state?

How many days do you rifle hunt specifically for deer in your home state?

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I hunted 24-26 days rifle this season in Montana, youth season 2 days, every weekend of general season, some week days, and the last two weeks solid.
we have an unfair advantage down here as the "rifle season" runs from mid-October to 1 January or so each year
All depends . I get a landowner tag in ND and some/most years I don’t shoot one with gun but will hunt 8-9 days before I head to Montana. Then I’ve hunted all 16 days of black powder also . Some 24 days some years . I went like 7/8 years without shooting one with a gun now I have in consecutive years on days 5 and days 9 .
I archery hunt hard the first two weeks of November for rutting whitetails. Our gun opener is usually the 2nd or 3rd Saturday. If I didn’t get it done with a bow I will hunt the gun opener.
Zero. I live in Southwest Florida and I have a lease in Alabama and also hunt in Ohio once a year For a week.
Last year I was fortunate enough to be able to hunt about 35 days in Alabama 20 of which where consecutive and during the rut.
For decades I hunted hogs and turkeys in FL but I never really hunted deer here.
Although I am a nonres I consider AL my home state for hunting.
I don’t usually hunt rifle deer at all, but I voted 6 days, that’s usually what I spend hunting with my wife and kids since they prefer rifle hunting.

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