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How many days do you rifle hunt specifically for deer in your home state?

How many days do you rifle hunt specifically for deer in your home state?

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what is the definition of a hunting day?
? dark to dark?
Dark til noon?
Noon til dark?
last 2 hours of the day?
first 2 hours of the day?
at hunting camp all day never loaded a gun?
I tried to make it very generic initially. This will teach us a great deal. I’m already seeing loads of trends. I will be posting follow up questions to learn more.
In CA not including scouting days last few years has been under 5 with two deer tags filled. When I wasn't as effective filling tags quickly early on it would be 30+. We have long seasons here.
That’s very good. California can be a tough place to hunt. You obviously have your areas figured out.
0 - Texas. I only archery hunt through the whole season. I just lost my place this year, but in years past I probably hunted 10-15 days. I like the challenge, so no guns or feeders and only low fence for me, but to each their own.
I usually hunt 10 to 12 days with bow, 12 to 15 days with rifle and 4 to 8 days with muzzle loader if I still have tags to fill. I raised my children eating venison. I have cut back to 2 or 3 since the kids moved out. Many days I just sit and watch them. I can’t bring my self to shoot a doe with fawns so it has to be the right opportunity before I fill my doe tag.
I can usually only make it out for a long weekend each year. When I draw a good tag I try to take more days. But hunting trips for elk, bears, pronghorn etc. take up a lot of the yearly vacation time as well.
Tennessee. 10+. We get a 2 week muzzleloader season in early November followed by 6-7 weeks of rifle. I hunt opening weekend of both plus as many days as I can get. Always take my boys hunting a few days over Christmas break.
North Idaho rifle whitetail season is almost 2 months long(it’s too long I think). I put 10 days just because I love deer hunting locally and can get out a lot even if it’s a few hours. If I think about last 30 years 10 Is a good number as I like being in the woods in November and I am pretty picky on what I will actually shoot. That said last 2 years I killed a whitetail with my bow first night so I hunted zero with my rifle. Last year I had a central Idaho mule deer tag and filled that in 3 days and bought a second tag for local whitetail but hunted zero days for that tag. There’s a lot of variables year to year. Out of state hunting Me and my son go to Montana almost every year and our hunts there are never more than 2-3 days.
I probably average 6 days of the 9 day season here in Wisconsin. Then 3 or 4 days during the muzzleloader season, i don't hunt any of the special antlerless seasons here.
In my home state usually a day or two for me. I usually kill quickly because I am rarely worried about size. Then I hunt with my wife, friends, and as of this year, my daughter.

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I don't specifically chase deer, it's more of a chance encounter while elk hunting. If I see a decent deer and I don't see any elk, I'll change gears and go for said deer, otherwise I don't target deer too much.
8 days as camp bitch for last 3years. 0 days carrying rifle

I have ut dedicated tag on one side of line, my son has had rifle on the other. So we rifle hunt his unit, and I spend a lot of time as a cook, camp setter, pack mule
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