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How many days do you rifle hunt specifically for deer in your home state?

How many days do you rifle hunt specifically for deer in your home state?

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Georgia's rifle season runs from mid October to mid January, you can just about guarantee I'll average 3 days a week on stand, plus all seven days of muzzleloader season the week before rifle opens up.

Edit: my wife says it's at least four days a week
Tennessee… depends on how you define “hunt” and “day.” Sometimes I only get to hunt a morning or afternoon. Other times I’m taking a kid or two out and don’t even have a gun, or if I do it’s only to back the kid up if the first shot isn’t perfectly executed.

We eat and share a lot of deer meat, so my family kills an average of 8 deer per year. I also usually assist another hunter or three to get a deer, as well
Primarily a bow hunter. That takes up most of my time and vacation days!
Usually spend a couple of weeks elk hunting in September.
Followed by deer hunting in October and November.
By the time rifle season rolls around, I usually have meat in the freezer, run out of vacation, or both!
Rifle season here is a little over a week long, in late November, so I don't spend much time with a rifle in hand.
California some years none other years a couple days. I spend most of my hunting days out of state.
My response isn't an option in your list. I'm in WA state and seasons and harvest on the farm don't get along very well, so for several years it's been "0" days. Started hunting MT in the late 90s because a later and longer season gave me a better chance to try and get out for 4 or 5 days.
I should have started at zero. My bad.
Another 0 but by choice. Killed my last Oregon mule deer in 2014. I can get landowner tags for my place but living with these deer and seeing what they're up against all year I don't care to kill anymore. I'm looking to find whitetail opportunities.
In Sask our whitetail rifle season is about 3 weeks and our mulie rifle season is draw only and it’s two weeks. For Mulies it ends November 14 so I like the last week of season best. For wt since they are close to home I could hunt the whole season but I usually take the first week off work and get it done during that time.
Varies for me here in IN. If I kill my buck during archery then my rifle season is about one day to kill 2 does. Also if it is warm and can't let my does hang then I wait.
I put 10 because I didn't kill my buck until last weekend of rifle season.
All depends on what tags I draw.
If I only get one tag, it's usually 5 days including scouting.

Also depends on success, usually I have the best luck opening morning so that would be one day plus one or two scouting days before season opens
Until I get one and I'm normally pretty picky. Rifle season runs from 15 Nov to 2 Dec.

I hunt whitetail on and off during Archery/Muzzle loader from 1 Sep to 31 Oct but normally focus more on mule deer and elk during that time. Once rifle whitetail starts in Nov, I'm 100% focused on them!
Hunt all the WI seasons if I can, Rifle, ML, shoulder seasons, not full days out but usually keep the gun in the truck & whenever I can get away I'm out for a hike. Probably 20 outings.
Today, shed hunting.
Wisconsin- 1 day. By the time late November rolls around all my western hunts are usually done and by then I'm pretty burnt out. Not to mention I do archery hunt in my home state and I usually have meat in the freezer before I even head out west. Plus I butcher all my own animals and that's just another chore in itself.
The only reason I even do Wisconsin rifle anymore is because of deer camp. I just go to hang out with the family, drink some beer and relax for the weekend.
Voted 1 because 0 wasn’t an options. Been over 5 years since I’ve deer hunted with a rifle. Probably need to change that.
I have deer hunted since my daughter was 12. Like 10 years ago. The wife just told me, “I’ll eat venison…”

Haven’t been going because at one point the conversation about wild game came up and she’s a really picky eater…

I still have yet to find a suitable antler soup to justify horns.
Michigan rifle season- Nov. 15 thru Nov. 30. I usually take the whole season off, or close to it. I hunt with my daughter until she fills her tag, or has to go back to school/work, then I hunt on my own.
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