How do you transport a dead coyote?

Bruce A. Kennedy

New member
Aug 3, 2003
When you kill a coyote and want to take it home and skin it, how do you transport it. Most people have trucks with an open bed. People with SUVs, Trucks with campers, or even a car, have a problem. I have seen people build an expanded metal cage that hangs on the front bumper or a cage on top of their SUV. This way, especially when it is cold, by the time they get home, all of the fleas, bugs, critters and such are supposed to be gone.

So how do you do it?
That's a good question Bruce. When I used my old bronco for night hunting, I'd take a heavy duty 55 gallon garbage bag along and stuff anything I shot inside the bag and throw it in the back until I got home. I don't think You'd want to try that in a warm climate though.

I just lay out a tarp and toss em in the back of the suburban. A little blood neve killed anyone anyway.
If it's a Boone and Crocket dog, I just tie it across my hood!

For real, for real...the pick up bed. Also, my Suburban back seat does in fact have a marmot-flavored blood stain on it!
Ive seen guys who throw the dead stuff anywhere they feel it's handy. I can't abide by that, I don't even allow a domestic dog in the cab of my truck, much less a stinkin dead coyote! I toss all my coyotes in the bed of the truck, then throughly wash out the bed when I get home.I know some fellas look at the blood stained seats and tire carriers as a badge of success, to me it's sloppy, slip shod behavior, the same guy most likely treats his rifle,callers and other equipment the same....bad characteristics for a predator hunter in my opinion.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I know some fellas look at the blood stained seats and tire carriers as a badge of success, to me it's sloppy, slip shod behavior, the same guy most likely treats his rifle,callers and other equipment the same....bad characteristics for a predator hunter in my opinion. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

BalaPlata, dang, I can only assume that a person who would do such thing, has to be from "back east" and read way to many .10 "shotem up westerns", came west, knowing everything about everyting, and not knowing "horse apples" about anything, would even consider such a thing. What is this world coming to??? Perhaps one should read between the lines to know.

Take care
Now BalaPlata,

Just because a fellow leaves his calling rifle outside in a wheelbarrow full of brush for close to three months in the rain, doesn't mean he's sloppy, or slipshod.

Well yeah, I guess it does.

But as long as you show him where the coyotes are this year, he may be able to finish his video. Or at least get a second kill on film.

I caught hell for my "bad behavior" tonight at the County Fair, I guess you've stopped by to visit with Vince?
I never haul em home. a 1/4 rope and a sharp knife and ten minutes, all that is left is a pelt which I place in a bag, a hitch ball works well to tie them to while you PEEL the hide off. and in the winter a sleds skis work well. coyotes here in Idaho are clean in the winter time as for fox if you stick em in a bag spray a good bug killer like RAID in with em and when you get em home thy arn't to bad...h2m
Danny, When I skin then out, they are cased, I then roll them fur out(personal pref)and when I get home they go on stretchers to be cleaned and scraped, after intial dryng, they are reversed and after final dry they are fluffed in an old dryer prior to sale.I was taught how to skin a yote by a old Gov trapper and man was he quick. when you have 8-10 to do in a day you get fast at it..h2m
Danny , sorry I reread your post, yes I skin em as soon as possible and that is usually right after they go down, in the winter I am usually on snowshoes and roll them up and put them in a pack or cache them along the trail and continue huntin, I would have to be real close to the truck to haul one whole, skinning usually takes less than 10 min, so I like to get it done, I carry a length of rope and two pocket knives to slide the tail out, I find the hotter the animal the easier to peel the hide...h2m
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