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How to skin a bear


Active member
Jan 9, 2024
I have been fortunate enough to skin hundreds of whitetail deer and dozens of wild hogs a few elk and bear. So I know how to skin animals, my question is; can you hang a bear up and skin it while keeping the feet with the hide? If so, explain where to hang it from. All the bears I have skinned I have skinned them while they were laying on the ground. Any help is appreciated.
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I would think it would be easier to get your initial cuts straight while it was laying on its back. Once you get it started it would be nice you lift it up.
Start your cuts and run some mule tape or cable through the pelvis and out the rear and make a hanging loop. It works pretty well if you are actually where you can hang them.
I have skinned quite a few bears but all have been on the ground. To skin one while hanging, I think you would need to get the back feet/legs started, separate the feet from the leg, then get hooks through each of the back legs.
That was my thinking as well, hopefully I will get to try hanging one up next month. Thank you.
I have skinned quite a few bears but all have been on the ground. To skin one while hanging, I think you would need to get the back feet/legs started, separate the feet from the leg, then get hooks through each of the back legs.
It is so much easier to skin any animal hanging up I was just wondering how other folks skinned their bear. Thank you for the info.
Here's a couple more I was lucky enough to get to the shop whole. Not very often, but it sure is nice :)! I have had one black bear and one grizzly that the cable ripped through the pelvis, so just watch for that if you don't use a little bigger diameter rope or mule tape. The little stuff tends to cut through a bit on the heavier bears. 2013 131.JPGMX HR 073.JPG

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