
How do you prove you've been vaccinated?

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I don't think anyone has the right to put other people at risk. Seems only in America would folks think that way. When I was a kid growing up in Montana and polio vaccine came out, there was simply no question everyone got vaccinated. But back then Eisenhower wasn't telling people polio "isn't so bad." Today people are listening to someone who had serious brain fog long before being infected.

We have a few nay-sayers up here too ... but damn few. I seem to recall a young couple out west who were charged a few years ago because they refused to have their child basic vaccinated and and the kid died from measles or diphtheria.
So you get a card when vaccinated? mtmuley
It’s the same Immunization Record they’ve always given for vaccinations. Looks pretty similar to the one my Mom still has for me from when I was a kid. I assume they still issue these as a general practice, or I’m older than I thought.
It’s the same Immunization Record they’ve always given for vaccinations. Looks pretty similar to the one my Mom still has for me from when I was a kid. I assume they still issue these as a general practice, or I’m older than I thought.
Trying to get my old med records for years.
At one time I had my card from my folks,1955-1965.Yellow manila with Eisenhowers Fed stamp, polio sugar cubes,TB,the shots,lot's of shots.
Reminds me I'm probably overdue for tetanus. Always stayed on top of that when I had horses. Anyone who works with livestock (especially shoeing) is really taking their life in their hands if they don't keep tetanus shots up to date.
Just got mine today, same card as everyone else.

@mtmuley all vaccinations are recorded from birth till death. It one big giant screwed up system. I wouldn’t sweat it, it will likely get lost in gov inefficiency along the way.
I don't think anyone has the right to put other people at risk. Seems only in America would folks think that way. When I was a kid growing up in Montana and polio vaccine came out, there was simply no question everyone got vaccinated. But back then Eisenhower wasn't telling people polio "isn't so bad." Today people are listening to someone who had serious brain fog long before being infected.

We have a few nay-sayers up here too ... but damn few. I seem to recall a young couple out west who were charged a few years ago because they refused to have their child basic vaccinated and and the kid died from measles or diphtheria.
I have to admit that this phrase has been making me edgy lately. I think most people mean " . . . only in America (as compared to the handful of equally developed countries) . . . " but I always want to remind people that the middle east, central and south America, etc. have some countries where the government and fellow citizens really treat each other like garbage. We're not perfect, but we're not on the bottom of the dung pile either.
Yep only in America. We are far ahead of most European countries, Canada and Mexico that it isn't even close. We will surpass the UK by early April. Given our the size of our country and population, we have out paced everyone. It really is too bad the Canadian Clown on the board cannot be forever banned from the U.S. given his hatred of his home country but we are the land of the free and home of brave for a reason. Canada isn't even in the same zip code in doses administered and availability. So suck it.

Yep only in America. We are far ahead of most European countries, Canada and Mexico that it isn't even close. We will surpass the UK by early April. Given our the size of our country and population, we have out paced everyone. It really is too bad the Canadian Clown on the board cannot be forever banned from the U.S. given his hatred of his home country but we are the land of the free and home of brave for a reason. Canada isn't even in the same zip code in doses administered and availability. So suck it.

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I hate statistics, that graph shows number of shots per hundred people... so that is why Israel is above 100. It does not say how many people are fully vaccinated. It really makes it a hard to compare chart.
I hate statistics, that graph shows number of shots per hundred people... so that is why Israel is above 100. It does not say how many people are fully vaccinated. It really makes it a hard to compare chart.
because it is tracking who has gotten at least one jab. Ergo Israel has many fully vaccinated people so they would have over 100% with at least one jab. It is easy to compare who has had at least one shot and is set up for a 2nd dose. Apples to Apples. Either way we are ahead most, far ahead of Canada and Mexico and the EU.

Not to get off topic, but I was at the Mayo Clinic for my physical yesterday and the doctor was reviewing my COVID case and wanted to know if I had any issues that are still bothering me. He said Mayo is working on a study regarding vaccines administered to patients who have already had COVID. Many people struggle with issues such as brain fog, taste/smell issues, lung residues/etc. He said they are finding that people who struggle with COVID impacts that have taken the vaccine are seeing improvement and elimination of some of those lingering issues. He said more info is coming out soon. I’m not pushing vaccines one way or another as I can value a persons right to make that call on their own, but wanted to share in case someone is dealing with a lingering COVID issues. I’m heading back there now to get hooked up to the treadmill for some cardio. I feel like Drago from Rocky IV...without the Have a great Friday everyone.
I saw something about this, as well. That would be great for alot of people.
Yep only in America. We are far ahead of most European countries, Canada and Mexico that it isn't even close. We will surpass the UK by early April. Given our the size of our country and population, we have out paced everyone. It really is too bad the Canadian Clown on the board cannot be forever banned from the U.S. given his hatred of his home country but we are the land of the free and home of brave for a reason. Canada isn't even in the same zip code in doses administered and availability. So suck it.

I'd wager the US will at best make 60% fully vaccinated. Any bets if Canada is higher when its all said and done? I'll bet they are much higher...
I'd wager the US will at best make 60% fully vaccinated. Any bets if Canada is higher when its all said and done? I'll bet they are much higher...
Canada should be in line with the US, I can't see us get that much ahead of the the USA in terms of vaccination when this is all said and done. Things are ramping up fast, finally, getting my first dose in a couple weeks. Most places are seeing a "third wave" and Regina (capital of Sask) went into a second lock down this week. I had to go around work and confirm who wanted the shot as we will be getting it through the military, 90% of my guys said 'yes'.

Alas, we have our fair share of conspiracy theorists who don't believe in science...
get my second dose next week. My concern for not being one of the many thousands having long lasting disabilities from covid or just straight up dying was ample motivation to roll up my sleeve.
My wife and I got COVID back in November, I had little to no symptoms and she lost taste and smell. My symptoms were so mild, I would not have even known I had it if she didn't lose her taste and smell, because of that we both got tested.

Now 4 months later no lingering or lasting effects, I know the same cant be said for everyone. However, I have antibodies (nobody knows for how long), and I'll be honest, I am skeptical to go get a vaccine not knowing any long term affects of it. I am by no means anti-vaccine, but for me, there is not enough research and long term data for me to feel comfortable. My mom and Grandma have both been vaccinated, they are higher risk and I completely support their decision along with anyone else choosing to do so. If I had not previously had COVID, I would probably consider for my self as well not knowing how COVID would affect me.

Research is suggesting that people can still get COVID with the vaccine and vaccinated people can still spread it, however, their symptoms and risks are much lower. Research has also suggested, people can get COVID twice, but second time shows to be less sever with milder symptoms. The CDC website directly states they don't have enough data or research to understand how the vaccine works.

With out enough research and data to prove the vaccine keeps me from getting it and spreading it, I will take my chance with my antibodies and getting it a second time. Maybe down the road, data will change my mind, but for now, the unknown long term risks of the vaccine itself outweigh the protections of it for me. Once again this is not the case for everyone either.
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