Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

How do you prove you've been vaccinated?

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I would expect eventually some kind of international agreement to do something to passports that will confirm vaccination. That seems the most sensible way of going about it. The way this has gone so far, world leaders will probably figure that out ... in about twenty years.
I would expect eventually some kind of international agreement to do something to passports that will confirm vaccination. That seems the most sensible way of going about it. The way this has gone so far, world leaders will probably figure that out ... in about twenty years.
Did you not have to show a record of certain vaccinations before entering Africa?
Khunter wrote:

"...You seem to concede the pandemic is no hoax and not a joke..."

Do all you liberals have reading comprehension problems or are you just being obtuse?

I said no such thing!
I said the "disease" is no hoax and not a joke.
The "JOKE" is the panic and paranoia fomented by liberals.
I don't think anyone has the right to put other people at risk. Seems only in America would folks think that way. When I was a kid growing up in Montana and polio vaccine came out, there was simply no question everyone got vaccinated. But back then Eisenhower wasn't telling people polio "isn't so bad." Today people are listening to someone who had serious brain fog long before being infected.

We have a few nay-sayers up here too ... but damn few. I seem to recall a young couple out west who were charged a few years ago because they refused to have their child basic vaccinated and and the kid died from measles or diphtheria.
The bottom line is this isn’t a public health crisis, it’s a private health crisis. If you’re overweight and obese, never go outside and move or get natural vitamin D, eat fake processed food, never expose yourself to bacteria (wash your hands constantly and wear a mask), or experience adequate doses of hormetic stress, you’re at a high risk of complications from ANY of the multitudes of viruses on this planet. It’s seems “only in America” does anyone still believe in personal responsibility. I’m not responsible for your personal health and you’re not responsible for mine. If I’m sick I’ll stay home, just like we do with a flu or cold. This ain’t the measles and it’s not even close to polio
I haven't had the shot...but i'm gonna have to get it as we are planning on taking a Xmas trip to Grand Cayman (if they open up and I don't lose my already paid for airfare). The USMC gave me a smallpox vaccine and an anthrax vaccine...this can't be worse.
Here’s an article from yesterday’s Washington Post. A lot of words to basically say the administration is working on something but it doesn’t seem they are very far along.

Posting for information purposes only, not to provide more fuel to all the political rhetoric that the OP has specifically requested people refrain from on this thread. But some of you simply cannot help yourselves which is pathetic.
I haven't had the shot...but i'm gonna have to get it as we are planning on taking a Xmas trip to Grand Cayman (if they open up and I don't lose my already paid for airfare). The USMC gave me a smallpox vaccine and an anthrax vaccine...this can't be worse.
I doubt the USMC gave you much choice in the matter since you pretty much gave you body and soul over to the service to do as they commanded.
As civilians, I simply want the choice that you were willing to fight and die for as a Marine (thank you for your service!).

...and my choice is "No vaccine!" at this point in my life.
Hopefully I can add some to the "passport" open idea that is being discussed. first IT IS NOT NEW. It has been discussed as a good idea for many years and I have been tangentially involved in the standards. It's a solution to sharing your medical records with doctors, nothing more. It's designed to be VOLUNTARY. Essentially it's a central NOT GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED data lake, where you control what medical info goes there and who can see it. You want all your doctors to see the same info, push it there, grant them access.

There are MANY technical issues to solve here, most along security/privacy and HIPPA would 100% prevent our government from requiring it. The concept is sound though. It will NOT be readily available anytime soon.
Not a problem!
They ain't sticking that crap in me! Not without a military detachment for assistance!
Last time I took a flu shot (1992), I got so sick, I was scared I was going to die and afraid I couldn't.
The wife and me took the shot at the same time. Woke up sick at the same time.
Our oldest was 15, DID NOT have a driver's license, but keep running to the grocery store to keep us from starving! LOL!
Lasted 7 full days.
My dad’s neighbor almost died from Guillion-Barre syndrome as a result of a flu shot. 18 months later she’s still in rough shape. Didn’t get the flu though ;)
Hopefully I can add some to the "passport" open idea that is being discussed. first IT IS NOT NEW. It has been discussed as a good idea for many years and I have been tangentially involved in the standards. It's a solution to sharing your medical records with doctors, nothing more. It's designed to be VOLUNTARY. Essentially it's a central NOT GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED data lake, where you control what medical info goes there and who can see it. You want all your doctors to see the same info, push it there, grant them access.

There are MANY technical issues to solve here, most along security/privacy and HIPPA would 100% prevent our government from requiring it. The concept is sound though. It will NOT be readily available anytime soon.
Social Security wasn’t supposed to mandatory, wasn’t supposed to be used as a form of identification, and wasn’t supposed to become a part of the general fund...

You will never convince me that a data base of any kind will not be abused, will not eventually be run by the government, and will not become mandatory.
All three Territories expect to have all residents vaccinated twice by May first and each person will be given both a paper receipt and the opportunity for a digital receipt for their phone, if they ask for it.

Trudeau is reluctant to embrace the vaccine passport idea but, he has little to say about it, since the Provinces and Territories are responsible for health care decisions .

Although I understand the concerns of others about being "controlled" by our Government (s ), I am not sure at this point what information ( besides the fact that you have or have not been vaccinated ) that you are telling them about yourself that they dont already know. You file tax returns, have passports ( if you travel outside of Canada and the U.S. ), health care, driving, firearms, ----

However, I do understand how those, especially those who are perhaps older, resist the idea of your Govt knowing everything about you.

April recently explained to me what she called "the creep" effect. They are just asking for "this" and then "this" and then--- Her reference were the Jewish population in Germany and Poland before World War II and also your Social Security number. Your government promised you that your S/S/ numbers would never be used for identification, but they are now used for everything.

I have elected to take both shots and carry a receipt, as my work requires me to travel and it is the best ( at this time only ) assurance that I will be able to travel, not just to other Territories and Provinces, but to Greenland.
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