How do you prove you've been vaccinated?

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There isn’t a QR code. All vaccines administered are submitted daily to the CDC. I am sure there is something in the works as far as a database for travel requirements and such.
You're putting way too much faith in the system being organized and then feeding into a database that doesn't yet exist. They are putting needles in arms as fast as possible and it's on the individual to keep the card unless one's employer or insurance records it.
Proof is the chip that was embedded in your arm.

Seriously though, I work for a health system, ti is just the CDC card that you received.

Each states department of health also maintains vaccination records as well for every vaccine you have received.
Seems to be a consensus on don't worry about the card. Thought so, but had to dig into it more with the wife telling me her version. Thanks for MOST of the replies. 😉
Not to get off topic, but I was at the Mayo Clinic for my physical yesterday and the doctor was reviewing my COVID case and wanted to know if I had any issues that are still bothering me. He said Mayo is working on a study regarding vaccines administered to patients who have already had COVID. Many people struggle with issues such as brain fog, taste/smell issues, lung residues/etc. He said they are finding that people who struggle with COVID impacts that have taken the vaccine are seeing improvement and elimination of some of those lingering issues. He said more info is coming out soon. I’m not pushing vaccines one way or another as I can value a persons right to make that call on their own, but wanted to share in case someone is dealing with a lingering COVID issues. I’m heading back there now to get hooked up to the treadmill for some cardio. I feel like Drago from Rocky IV...without the Have a great Friday everyone.
My card has no code,just type,batch #,date of shot.
State does try,sends texts to my cell that I can reply to on an app........with no internet. I do have NMDOH sign up number, county had no record of number when I signed up @ clinic.
All the high tech companies, health companies and other newbies are all pushing to get into this. There will be dozens and none will talk to each other. Going to be a mess.
Not so sure the data on COVID in general is phenomenal compared to any other disease or public Heath issue.

The CDC partnering with various companies has some pretty awesome dataloaders.

I think we have the ability to have a pretty good system if that’s what people wanted.
My pharmacy gave me my shot and they keep records. If I need proof my pharmacist will just print me a copy. I also have card but not sure what good that is though.
This may go nowhere, but I'm being told (by my wife) that I should have a QR code on my CDC card I was given when I got my shots. All I'm seeing so far is the code is to verify you are able to get the 2nd shot, Moderna in our case. I got my shot at an on-site clinic at work, so no registering or pre-qualifying was done. They came back 4 weeks later to give us the 2nd shot and I was on the employee list and had my card from the first shot. They put a sticker showing the Moderna lot number in the 2nd shot line. With all the talk about Covid passports being needed in the future being possible, is my card with no QR code on it good? I saw on the news now that fake cards are being sold! May not be a thing right now but my curiosity has got the better of me and I'm looking for answers. I'll be asking at work tomorrow about this as well.
So where are these fake cards being sold at? Asking for a friend.
This is like filling out a census form that they mail to your house asking you where you live.
I have the card that they attached the lot numbers to and have a picture on my phone.

in a side note, I got the 2nd shot yesterday afternoon and, fair warning, I feel like total crap today.
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