How do you carry your bear defense sidearm


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2019
To piggyback off the 44 mag vs 10mm thread, it brought up another question I'd like some input on.

What is everyone using for holsters for carrying their sidearm while hunting?

I picked up a 10mm recently and after some back and forth with holster options I decided to go with a drop leg one from alien gear. I used to run a standard owb one on my pack belt, but i don't always have my pack on. Same with my Bino harness.

Only other one I really considered was a chest rig that would ride under my Bino harness as a seperate harness. Seems like it's getting to be a lot of weight on the chest.
When I carried one I tried both a drop and a chest mount. I preferred the drop just because it was more natural fit for me. I almost never carry anymore but I am a noisy outdoorsman.
I started using an Urban Carry Leatherlock L/H IWB holster on the right side of the waist belt on my pack.
Essentially makes it a OWB R/H holster.
Keeps it close to the body.

When i don't take my pack, i'm running one of Urban Carry's OWB holsters.

I had thought of one of the drop/thigh holsters. Haven't played with any yet.

Something i've noticed with the black leather OWB holsters is when going into a convience store, people assume i'm a cop, and don't react much to open carrying.
Wasn't the case with a nylon OWB holster.
Standing in line to pay for my stuff, i hear.
I'm reaching & looking to find some college aged girl pointing at ME.
The shift manager assured her that they all knew me, and felt safe while i was there.

Sometimes it's not the woods you need to worry about.
I went with alien gear holster so there's some modularity. I can take the shell off and switch to a chest rig (also alien gear) if I end up not liking the drop leg.
I used the Gunfighters Ronin OWB holster in Alaska. I wore it on my belt, so it was actually under my pack belt, but my gun still stuck up high enough for me to easily draw it...whatever you get, practice with it before you go in the field.
Blackhawk serpa. Just in case I need to do hand to claw combat first to soften the target.
I use OWB holsters that can easily be swapped between pack belt and pants belt if dropping a pack.

I have a gunfighter kenai chest holster for my G40 and never could get over the aspect of flagging anyone that is to the left of me while using it. That and I don’t draw as quickly and intuitively as I do from my hip with it.
I use OWB holsters that can easily be swapped between pack belt and pants belt if dropping a pack.

I have a gunfighter kenai chest holster for my G40 and never could get over the aspect of flagging anyone that is to the left of me while using it. That and I don’t draw as quickly and intuitively as I do from my hip with it.
I swapped between pack and belt, but it just rides a little too high up for my liking when on my pack or hip. Maybe it's just my ape arms hanging down too low lol
I had a razco for years, until I lost a pistol out of it on a bear packout. There’s no retention strap and no retention screw (on my model at least), and I suppose it loosened over time. Recommend the kenai as above or similar. I chose a Hosking holster with a retention strap. I like a chest holster that holds the gun at an upward angle to aid in retention. Something like the marsupial gear holster with a retention strap would be good as well.
I had a razco for years, until I lost a pistol out of it on a bear packout. There’s no retention strap and no retention screw (on my model at least), and I suppose it loosened over time. Recommend the kenai as above or similar. I chose a Hosking holster with a retention strap. I like a chest holster that holds the gun at an upward angle to aid in retention. Something like the marsupial gear holster with a retention strap would be good as well.
That has to be the second to worse thing other than getting attacked by a bear... Having your pistol fall out and losing it. All my kydex holsters have a screw to adjust tension. If the one I just ordered doesn't have that, I'm going to return it.
That has to be the second to worse thing other than getting attacked by a bear... Having your pistol fall out and losing it. All my kydex holsters have a screw to adjust tension. If the one I just ordered doesn't have that, I'm going to return it.
I searched for 10 days over 2 seasons. I figure some shady individual picked it up, or there’s a grizz packing a 10mm now. It sucked.
I use a Hill People Gear Recon chest pack. Traditionally the gun is placed in the zippered compartment, and sometimes I do that. However when I am in predator country I do something different.

The Recon version has Molle attachments on the front. I attached some pouches, to include an old issued double mag double mag pouch. I put the pistol in one of the pouches as shown in the pics below.


I have found through use and experimentation that a Glock 9mm/40 frame with a light attachment will fit very firmly in the pouch with verly little wiggle room allowing for a nice straight up draw.



A Glock 45/10 without a light is about the same. This varies is you use a different magazine pouch manufacture, so experimentation is in order.

A 1911 rides ok, but can be a bit sloppy. Generally I use the Velcro flap on the pouch to aid in retention but set it up so I can simply grab the gun with a firing grip and pull the pistol up and the velcro gives way.

When going through heavy brush or doing things that I am concerned about retention, I simply secure the flap over the pistol and it is Good to Go.

When I get close to a trailhead, or other people who I don't wish them to know I am armed, I simply remove the pistol from the M4 pouch and put it in the main zippered compartment of the HPG chest rig.

This works very well for me, and after years of experimentation, I have not found much better.

BTW, this is not all that original of an idea. When I was overseas guys used to stick pistols in mag pouches on their kit fairly regularly, especially when the issued holsters did not work with the rigs they had.

Here is a close up of a Delta guy from early in the war with his 1911 stuck in one of his M4 pouches.

The fine points of choosing the right handgun and the characteristics described are interesting and appreciated.
No disrespect or criticism intended, but curiosity makes one wonder how many here worried about which firearm and how to carry for quick and accurate deployment actually spend any time on trails hunting, hiking, backpacking in the silvertip's suburbs.

Griz track.JPG
For many years I carried my Ruger 6 1/2" .357 Blackhawk, Gov't model .45 acp, or Ruger 1 1/2" .44 mag Super Blackhawk on my side in leather belt holsters that I had made. The suede outer side of those holsters has worn smooth from years of carrying them.

A couple of years ago I bought a 4" S&W stainless Model 629 .44 mag to carry on a Brown Bear hunt. I've been carrying it in a Galco leather belt holster. Last fall I bought a Galco leather shoulder, under your arm holster for it, but I haven't used it.
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