Caribou Gear

How do you carry your bear defense sidearm

I have never carried a handgun for bear protection, never felt the need when I was carrying a rifle a lot more powerful. Something about the bear protection handgun. If you really do need one, it must be quickly accessable! Fumbling around with the pack to get it takes time. Ditto in a shoulder holster under a heavy jacket. I'm not sure the best way to carry one hunting other than in an OWB holster under a tighter weigh jacket that will move out of the way quickly. I found when I moved to Montana and started walkng in bear contry, my 7mm Rem Mag felt awful small so I got a 338 Wim mag. After maybe a year it came to me that while a bear could pose a problem, it was unlikely one would! Up in Alaska I lived in a small cabin in bear country and in the beginning it was a bit spooky but never had a problem one with the bear's. Used to take my dog and my 20 grouse hunting a lot! Went fishing south of Anchorage on a glacier river and found a huge bear track on a sand bar. Worried me pretty good and after that when I went there it was never alone and always had a rifle along. Never did see the first bear down there! I don't have a clue how well bear spray works but from what I've ead I think that would be the way to go. Spent a good bit of time fishing, bird hunting and moose hunting up there and have not had one prroblem with any bear. Doesn't mean I was never close simply means I never had a problem.

The idea I get now is that guy's are afraid of the bears and want to make sure they are armed well enough to fend off an attack. Then they get the arm and many holster in a way that makes accessability a bit suspect. A bear hunting a human being I think is a rare thing. Bad things happen when the human and bear run into each other unexpectably! Or you might run into an old bear with bad teeth looking for an easy meal. If I was going to carry a handgun in bear country I would spend a lot of time with a 44 mag trying to learn to overcome it's recoil and then I would carry it as far as camp and keep it in the tent! Outside the tent is a lot more manuverable room and think I'd prefer a rifle! it would be interesting to know how many people have actually been in a situation where a handgun might have saved their life. While I was up there the locals had advice for carrying a handgun. Carry a 44 mag so if your attacked by a bear you can shoot your buddy in the foot and out run him!
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30-06 usually slung on my shoulder.
I was sitting here thinking I might be better off with a mod 94 in 30-30 using 170gr bullet's than with even a 44 mag! But then I'd need another hand as my 30-06 I'd have in the two Hands I got! :) OK, I'm a rifle guy!
To piggyback off the 44 mag vs 10mm thread, it brought up another question I'd like some input on.

What is everyone using for holsters for carrying their sidearm while hunting?

I picked up a 10mm recently and after some back and forth with holster options I decided to go with a drop leg one from alien gear. I used to run a standard owb one on my pack belt, but i don't always have my pack on. Same with my Bino harness.

Only other one I really considered was a chest rig that would ride under my Bino harness as a seperate harness. Seems like it's getting to be a lot of weight on the chest.
I carry a Glock 20 and use the Marsupial Bino Harness. I bought the sidearm attachment and like the idea of it. I rather have a little more weight on my upper body then something wrapped around my leg and flopping around. A normal holster on the hip is good but when using a hunting style backpack, the waist support gets in the way. They have holsters that will go on that backpack part but means the gun is attached to your bag and not your person which could be an issue. The chest rig style will allow you to have your gun on you practically no matter what besides periodically changing layers.
The fine points of choosing the right handgun and the characteristics described are interesting and appreciated.
No disrespect or criticism intended, but curiosity makes one wonder how many here worried about which firearm and how to carry for quick and accurate deployment actually spend any time on trails hunting, hiking, backpacking in the silvertip's suburbs.

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Not silvertip territory by any means here in PA.
But i had a run in with a 400ish lb black bear that thought he was a grizzly the other year.
Felt really undergunned with my 9mm single stack!
That has been the only close encounter with a bear in my going on 40 years of being in the woods.

My pistols are more for people encounters, and coyotes.
Nothing like bow hunting & having a pack of 11 coyotes come in when it's time to get out of the treestand.
Had this happen several times.
Not silvertip territory by any means here in PA.
But i had a run in with a 400ish lb black bear that thought he was a grizzly the other year.
Felt really undergunned with my 9mm single stack!
That has been the only close encounter with a bear in my going on 40 years of being in the woods.

My pistols are more for people encounters, and coyotes.
Nothing like bow hunting & having a pack of 11 coyotes come in when it's time to get out of the treestand.
Had this happen several times.
When I was 12, I had a pack of 8 wolves come hang out below my deer stand when I was going to get down. I was bow hunting. I decided to stay in the stand a bit longer lol
Yeah, I bought a nice Bianchi holster and on my first hike I immediately realized this is not gonna work. As stated, the hunting style pack’s waist strap gets in the way. Same with bear spray. Either would have to be strapped to the packs belt to be comfortable and accessible (only with your pack on obviously)

I only carry the sidearm for coyotes and people as well. For any of you who don’t know the efficacy of bear spray, go ahead and try it out on your self or your friend! 🤣 I’ve taken a half a can to the face point blank, and let me tell you- there isn’t an animal on Gods green earth that will mess with you if you hit them with that.. no bear, mountain lion or moose would want a round 2. I have no doubt in my mind.

I do like the chest holster attatchment though, and I’m rocking a marsupial harness. Might look into that!
Yeah, I bought a nice Bianchi holster and on my first hike I immediately realized this is not gonna work. As stated, the hunting style pack’s waist strap gets in the way. Same with bear spray. Either would have to be strapped to the packs belt to be comfortable and accessible (only with your pack on obviously)

I only carry the sidearm for coyotes and people as well. For any of you who don’t know the efficacy of bear spray, go ahead and try it out on your self or your friend! 🤣 I’ve taken a half a can to the face point blank, and let me tell you- there isn’t an animal on Gods green earth that will mess with you if you hit them with that.. no bear, mountain lion or moose would want a round 2. I have no doubt in my mind.

I do like the chest holster attatchment though, and I’m rocking a marsupial harness. Might look into that!
In thick grizz country I'd carry both. But I don't have to worry about the wind direction with a gun!
One of the funniest stories about a notsofunny bear encounter I’ve ever heard if some of you have 20 minutes.. I’ve watched it like 3 times and still amused

Man I love his stories, used to listen to them a lot. Then he became obsessed with Bigfoot and I wasn't interested in all of that. But his hunting stories are great!
Right hip in a thumbreak holster. Bianchi accumumold is my favorite. Quick and natural for me since that is how i carried at work. Pack belt does not interfere at all.