How close is too close...

Missouri River, SD last March, 2013. Guys were getting out of perfectly good boats to walk on the ice and catch walleyes by dropping jigs through the 4"-12" cracks in the ice. I didn't need those walleyes that bad!

Wow. It seems like I run into more idiots/jackasses below the dam at Yankton than I do anywhere else.
I'm a chicken when it comes to ice fishing. If the ice looks at all iffy, I'm out.

I'm also cursed when it come to ice fishing.

Prior to this year I hadn't ice fished in 20 years.

My two youngest wanted to give it a try. We bought an auger, and chopped up two old fishing rods and went out on Blue Mesa. Hooked a fish in the first 30 seconds as the bait was dropping.....and haven't touched a fish in two full days of ice fishing. I'll probably try one more time next week.

All the talk of fishing E Idaho takes me back. Henry's was awesome, but I didn't care for the crowds, especially near the cable.

Give me the South Fork during the stonefly hatch please. Every fish in the river was up. Also saw the biggest brown of my life right under Palisades dam while night fishing. My buddy hooked it and lost it at the bank. That thing had shoulders.
My brothers and sisters were ice fishing some back water off the Madison river and my oldest brother turned around and here was my other brother laying on the edge of the ice looking down into the water. Luckily he was standing on the edge looking into the water.

They were able to get him back from the edge, but I don't think they ever told Mom or Dad until years later.

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