PEAX Equipment

House natural resources furthers public land theft bills


Active member
May 26, 2015
Today the house of natural resources subcommittee voted to further two bills that would transfer and dispose of millions of acres of public lands. I guess my first bit, would be to get out and vote against those in favor of this idea this year, and contact your representatives as often as you can on these issues.

Now that the House subcommittee has furthered these two peaces, where do they go for a vote next?
Where does one find the vote breakout on these? I couldn't find it, but It's been a long day. I want to see which way Zinke went.

Edit: found it here:

Scroll down to the Committee Markup Section to find a roll call vote link for each Bill.

Zinke voted yes for Labrador's bill, and no for Young's.
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TRCPs Facebook page has it broke down. It was strictly party lines republicans voted yes to them and dems voted no with the exception of Zinke who was the only republican willing to stand up for the public.
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It is greatly disappointing and I think our only option at this stage is to hound your representatives. Oneye thanks for putting up the TRCP link, if you are not on Facebook you can sign up for their email newsletter here and get pertinent land issues emailed to you. Just another avenue to stay informed.
TRCPs Facebook page has it broke down. It was strictly party lines republicans voted yes to them and dems voted no with the exception of Zinke who was the only republican willing to stand up for the public.

Zinke only voted no on the Young bill. He voted yes on the Labrador bill that would transfer management of up to 4 million acres of public land to Idaho, so they can do what they want with it while taxpayer continue to foot the bill.

One good vote, one bad vote.
Colorado: Lamborn - yes, Polis - no on both bills.

With one exception, the vote was along party lines. Repubs voted to sell/transfer YOUR FEDERAL LANDS to states. Dems voted to preserve federal ownership/management. Stay stong, Polis. Lamborn, ingest feces and expire.
All this crap and BS about taking over management of public lands is simply an attempt by Republicans to get their rotten stinking feet in the door so they can eventually get ownership of them at some point in time. State management my ass, this won't end there because their long term goals are for our public lands to be in private hands. I ain't falling for their scheme, not for one damn second, and if I'm the only po'd SOB who feels that way so be it.

Zinke may not be as extreme as some in the Republican Party but he's to damn right wing for my taste and his claim that he's a Teddy Roosevelt Republican is laughable, and an insult to Teddy Roosevelt. Just my center-left opinion.
Heres my hard but truthful prediction on the GOP and their current path they are going down. I mean I consider myself right of center on everything except our natural resources, but the republicans are slowly but surely losing all my support. I will vote democrat on several occasions for the first time ever, largely due to the public lands issue. The GOP will lose in November to Hillary Clinton. That's the cold hard truth. We will get 4 years of Hillary and the GOP will most likely lose the House, Senate, and the Supreme Court. They have dug their own grave. They are out of touch with the public and those that they represent. They listen but they don't care. They are bought and paid for and subscribe more to a parties political platform than what those they represent tell them. When they lose in November, they will further distance themselves from their supporters, further disengage themselves with upcoming generations, and may not get a presidential seat for a very long time. I think many feel as though gun toting, religious, conservative Americans are the majority, and I think you live in false security. Whether you like liberal policies or not, and yes they play every political game as well, they have kept much more in touch than the GOP. The GOP dug their own grave, and they haven't put down the shovel for a long time now. The grave they've dug is just about deep enough to cover them for good. Here's your peace of advice republicans CHANGE YOUR STANCE ON THE SALE OR TRANSFER OF PUBLIC LAND......NOW! I promise you once you lose the hunters, anglers, and all those who enjoy recreation... You will never win an election again. The majority of those in generations coming up already do not care for the Republican Party, and once you've lost hunters and outdoorsman, you've lost your party.
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Heres my hard but truthful prediction on the GOP and their current path they are going down. I mean I consider myself right of center on everything except our natural resources, but the republicans are slowly but surely losing all my support. I will vote democrat on several occasions for the first time ever, largely due to the public lands issue. The GOP will lose in November to Hillary Clinton. That's the cold hard truth. We will get 4 years of Hillary and the GOP will most likely lose the House, Senate, and the Supreme Court. They have dug their own grave. They are out of touch with the public and those that they represent. They listen but they don't care. They are bought and paid for and subscribe more to a parties political platform than what those they represent tell them. When they lose in November, they will further distance themselves from their supporters, further disengage themselves with upcoming generations, and may not get a presidential seat for a very long time. I think many feel as though gun toting, religious, conservative Americans are the majority, and I think you live in false security. Whether you like liberal policies or not, and yes they play every political game as well, they have kept much more in touch than the GOP. The GOP dug their own grave, and they haven't put down the shovel for a long time now. The grave they've dug is just about deep enough to cover them for good. Here's your peace of advice republicans CHANGE YOUR STANCE ON THE SALE OR TRANSFER OF PUBLIC LAND......NOW! I promise you once you lose the hunters, anglers, and all those who enjoy recreation... You will never win an election again. The majority of those in generations coming up already do not care for the Republican Party, and once you've lost hunters and outdoorsman, you've lost your party.

This is spot on. I have pretty much voted Republican my whole life with a few exceptions here and there. I don't see that happening in November. I have several friends that are/were staunch diehard Republicans that can no longer support the party.
This issue of our public lands and the very real threat of losing them should wake people up to the state of our political system in this country. Public lands are truly the most democratic aspect in an otherwise solidly constitutional republic government. If we lose our public lands we will not only lose hunting, angling, trapping, and any other recreational rights or privledges, except those with wealth that can afford a "pay to play" market strategy. Additionally when those lands are sold off by the states the new "stewards" will not have management of resources and animals in mind, it will be driven by exploitation and profit from the the extractive resources available or if some environmental group gets the funds necessary it will become a preserve but how will the ecology be managed?
This is spot on. I have pretty much voted Republican my whole life with a few exceptions here and there. I don't see that happening in November. I have several friends that are/were staunch diehard Republicans that can no longer support the party.

Same here...
The site is still overloaded. It would not send my response
I used my own e-mail and told ALL my Rep.s ,local,State & Federal that I will do everything in my power to UN-ELECT them if they continue to work against OUR Public Lands.
From not fully funding Dept's to this sell off & transfer BS.
And I will do everything to take any pay raise ability out of their hands.....not that they don't have a backdoor bribe line going already.
With one exception, the vote was along party lines. Repubs voted to sell/transfer YOUR FEDERAL LANDS to states. Dems voted to preserve federal ownership/management. Stay stong, Polis. Lamborn, ingest feces and expire.

Polis can crawl under a rock and never be heard from again as far as I'm concerned.

BTW he voted against HR 2406...
I promise you once you lose the hunters, anglers, and all those who enjoy recreation... You will never win an election again. The majority of those in generations coming up already do not care for the Republican Party, and once you've lost hunters and outdoorsman, you've lost your party.

I sincerely hope you are right. However, I think there is a metric shit ton of Republican hunters, anglers and outdoorsmen who don't spend a whole lot of time on public land. Many are used to hunting private land, for free or for pay/lease, back east and down south. Many of those folks have the Second Amendment far above access to public land. After all, they don't use the public land. Or the public land they use is the size of a postage stamp and bought back for the purpose.

I can imagine people trying to drive a wedge between the two communities, painting the public land hunters as commie pinko socialists elitist who care more about their hunting on government land for *free* than they do about God, Guts, Guns and Merica.

But again, I hope you are right.
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Heres my hard but truthful prediction on the GOP and their current path they are going down. I mean I consider myself right of center on everything except our natural resources, but the republicans are slowly but surely losing all my support. I will vote democrat on several occasions for the first time ever, largely due to the public lands issue. The GOP will lose in November to Hillary Clinton. That's the cold hard truth. We will get 4 years of Hillary and the GOP will most likely lose the House, Senate, and the Supreme Court. They have dug their own grave. They are out of touch with the public and those that they represent. They listen but they don't care. They are bought and paid for and subscribe more to a parties political platform than what those they represent tell them. When they lose in November, they will further distance themselves from their supporters, further disengage themselves with upcoming generations, and may not get a presidential seat for a very long time. I think many feel as though gun toting, religious, conservative Americans are the majority, and I think you live in false security. Whether you like liberal policies or not, and yes they play every political game as well, they have kept much more in touch than the GOP. The GOP dug their own grave, and they haven't put down the shovel for a long time now. The grave they've dug is just about deep enough to cover them for good. Here's your peace of advice republicans CHANGE YOUR STANCE ON THE SALE OR TRANSFER OF PUBLIC LAND......NOW! I promise you once you lose the hunters, anglers, and all those who enjoy recreation... You will never win an election again. The majority of those in generations coming up already do not care for the Republican Party, and once you've lost hunters and outdoorsman, you've lost your party.

Very well said. I leaned Right during the Bush years but the lack of concern for environmental issues as really taken me back. After Randy started his podcast and I learned more on public lands, it has made me think about what is important for me. From now on, my party is the one where me and other outdoor recreational users win the most with.As Randy says, Party of Hunting and Fishing!
I'm not so sure about the analysis that Hillary will beat Trump. In a conversation I was having with my dad he said, it took a lot of democrats to get Obama elected, but it is only going to take one to get Trump elected, and that is Hillary Clinton. I have not been a member of the Democrat party for over 20 years, but I am with very few exceptions diametrically opposed to what the republicans are serving up. Feed a kid a free meal in school and you are promoting socialism. Subsidize oil and gas exploration to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year and it's good for business. Pass a law so that only Monsanto or ADM can provide seed for the rebuild of Iraq and it's just fine. The bottom line is that any politician who managed to get elected is probably already bought and paid for due to the dark money in our election system. I am leaning very heavily toward a vote for Gary Johnson. I will not vote for Hillary under any circumstance, and Trump is a clueless fool that might not completely destroy the supreme court (Hillary must not be allowed to be the one making those appointments.) but I can't bring myself to vote for him either. We really need election reform. I propose only public funding and you can't start campaigning until April first in an election year. Term limits are looking better all the time too. Oh, the only retirement package that should be available to congress is social security. Maybe then they would quit raiding it and fix the long term problems in the system. (Oops, I just showed my socialist side.)
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