Active member
Funding: Yes. It's a tactic of some politicians to de-fund or under-fund an agency and then complain about how incompetent that agency is and how it fails in it's mission; thus it should be de-funded or under-funded. Not just DOI and DOA, but IRS, EPA and etc.
As to committees, you should be a diplomat. I don't think I've ever read the truth in such a polite, if not understated manner.
The Donald Trump in me calls such committees unmitigated Bull Shit.
Not saying this is false. What solutions do you offer to address the budget issues? In no way, shape or form am I an advocate of selling public land (feel like I have to say that a lot, have a feeling no one is even reading this part). If you did away with the committee appointed by the governor and switched it to one that was compromised of users and NR professionals in the area, what would the problem be then? All we see here is more wilderness. More areas that continue to degrade without management. All I'm trying to find out is a tangible solution. Lived here my whole life. Wildlife continues to plummet. Golden-Winged Warbler is our sage grouse. Lack of management (and probably these damn house cats) have led to a huge decline in their populations and the ruffed grouse. This isn't a propaganda statement. This is fact that is easily obtainable by research or contacting RGS, NWTF or any land grant in the SE.
Not looking to argue, just discuss what a solution could be.
I feel I must note I asked about this bill, and said I supported the Forest Resilience Act of 2015. Never went head over heels endorsing.