Hog Hunting


New member
Mar 25, 2001
Northwestern PA
Anybody going on a Hog hunt in the near future?

I have 2 planned, back to back in January, 2003.

The first one starts Jan 13th, my lucky day,

I am going with my little budy form Okla, Jim and several others. Its on a private ranch.

The second one starts on the 16th of Jan, 2003. There are 16 of us from a chat room on AOL going. Most of us have never met but have talked for years, on-line. Should be a good time.

Will detail the results when I get back.

Have a good one all,

Shakey I would love to, but going to canada in the spring.... Maybe in the fall if I dont get drawn for nothing?
I may go to Texas in Feb. I went there last year and got a pig a day for 3 days. It was cheap too, 100 bucks a day for ranch use.
I have room for 3, one spot taken i think.. maybe.. e-mail me if you are really interested!!

Sounds like a good time, for sure.

I hog hunted for the first time last January and I loved it. No worries about trophys or anything of that sort. See one, kill it, simple

I got a group rate for 16 of us, $379.00 per person. That includes a semi-guided hunt, all meals, lodging, skining, butchering, packaging and freezing the meat ready for shipment. Basically, we show up, sight in and go hunting. All one has to do is kill as many hogs as they can, eat, sleep and have a good time. The lodge has 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, kitchen, dinning room, living room and a porch all the way across the back of the lodge (covered). Its a 1750 sq ft lodge, heated and air conditioned. All linens, towels and such are provided as well.

We hunt Friday afternoon, all day Saturday and Sunday Morning. They take 1/2 of us out on Friday night (in trucks) and hunt using spotlights. Then the other 1/2 of us go out Saturday night. All other times we sit in ground blinds.

The varmint license is $35 per person making a total of $414.00 per person, all inclusive. No limit on the numbder of hogs each person is permitted to kill - all included in the price.

Hope you have a safe, fun time hunting.


I had a big un in my scope but I didn't shoot. It was on the opposite side of the fence. My buddy killed one.

16 people seems like a lot ? Was it a big area Shaky.. I remember the stories but not al the details .

Schmalts, you got mail

When we went last January it was just 2 of us. The 16 are going in 2 weeks. The ranch is right around 3200 acres. I leave a week from tomorrow. I hunt a small private ranch for 4 days then hook up with the other 15 people and we all hunt Friday, Sat and Sunday (17th, 18th and 19th).

With 16 of us on the ranch we should keep the hogs moving around and hopefully everybody will kill hogs. I have no doubt some will kill more then others, but thats how it goes.

Half of the people go out on trucks on Friday night and then the other 1/2 go out on Saturday night - after everyone has been picked up from the evening hunt. They use a red spotlight and the people on the trucks shoot. Its a "Safari Style" hunt, late in the evening. Much like hunting in Africa, shoot off the back of the truck. Hell, the terrain and bush looks a lot like Africa.

We are all freinds and going for the hunting and the good times, much the same as the sheep hunt a lot of us went on last March/April.

Have a good one,

there is a place here in Idaho to hunt pigs $50.00 deposit and 300.00 if you kill. total 350.00 if you don't kill you are welcome to come back another time to try again with no deposit. I would like to get a small group(5 or6) together and go huntin for pork chops on the hoof. avrage size is 150#-300# with some in the 400# area. thats right in Idaho.

say the word
give me a e-mail addy,, and I'll forward there web page to ya. thats where I got the info so don't bust my butt. I've also talked to 3 diferant people who have gone there and they say you see many smaller ones but the big pigs are hard to find. Its that way everyware. soon please, I want your thoughts on this place also.

Is that the place down by Twin? I've never gone there myself, so can't say for sure, but I've heard its not so great for actual hunting.

For killing I've heard its good. Most pigs there run 50-100 pounds due to the high kill rate. For table fare, it'd be tough to beat, but for real archery pig hunting I'd head to California or Texas.

I don't mean this derogatory in any way, just passing on what I've heard. Don't want anyone to be unhappy with their hard earned $.

T Bone
I have heard some of the same things. I have also heard some hellatious tales about pigs chaseing hunters. Till I go and see for my self I can't realy say. The web page they have says they have 450 acres of hunting ground and pigs 150-300lbs. the guy that told me about the 400 pounder said he shot it with a muzzle loader and it took 5 of his friends helpin to put the carcass into the truck but his friends could be small and his story big . I'm going to check it out!

I'm lookin into it

from the link you sent me,
"The fee for an unguided pig hunt is $350.00 per permit. A permit can be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis for $50.00. The balance of $300.00 will be paid when you come to hunt your pig.
You are guaranteed a pig, or your money will be refunded. "

Good luck!
Hey Tom,

My son, son-in-law and myself were just down in your neck of the woods the first week of Dec.2002 at Rancho Del Sol just outside of Fredericksberg. We were there on a 6 day hunt. Went to the Nimmitz musium and to Texas Jacks and then went on the little ture of the old town. You live in the neetest town but them sure are the smallest bodied deer I ever seen. There sure were lots of them. All 3 of us got nice deer and my son and I both shot Black Buck antelope, then I shot an Axis buck. All toll we shot 8 critters and met some of the nicest people in the world.


We used to have lots of wild hogs running around the hills just southwest of Midvale, Idaho. I lived there several years ago and you could get all the pork you wanted. I never considered it like a hunting trip or anything, you just went out and when you saw one you shot it...then again thats the way the deer hunting was back then too! There might still be some of them critters up there. Fish and Game would know.
Fredricksburg is a neat place, lots of little shops and lots of deer in that county, plus some big ones. Glad that you liked it, can't wait to see your pictures! Congratulations on a good hunt too.
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