
Yeah, it looks kinda..."funny"
Ain't no way I am saying anything about "That Photo" in the bottom photo. Nobody would ever believe "my side of the story". Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and looking back, I should have let him drown.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-10-2003 08:49: Message edited by: Bruce A. Kennedy ]</font>
Tim, you bring up a very good point! Eddie Murdock, is the best kept secret in Arizona. If there is a man who out shines us all, it is him, yet you never hear about him, well only in Arizona circles. I, personally hate to refer to a person as a "Black Man." We do not refer to us as "White Men", do we? Yet, Eddie, is one of the neatest people you would ever want to meet. What a great predator hunter he is.

You talk about a guy who gets the job done, here he is. He doesn't think twice about walking 2-3 miles into the "perfect stand" to call in a coyote or a bear. He has done it all; bears, lions, coyotes, - you name it.

He has a full-time job in Phoenix, and I can guarantee you, he spends every day off in the field: rain or snow, heat or cold, Eddie is out there. He camps with the bare necessities.

If I were asked who is the best current day predator caller in Arizona, hands down, it would be Eddie Murdock, and I challenge anyone, to show me a better one.

Take care.
Great pics Bruce! I too would like to hear the story behind the picture in the bottom pic

Wow... Eddie sounds like a fabulous person! Wouldn't mind hearing some of his stories also
Crow Woman,

If you ever get the chance to sit down with Eddie, you won't be disappointed. In addition to being a hell of a good hunter, he's a great teller of stories. He doesn't mind telling them on himself either. He will keep you mesmerized with his descriptions and your sides aching from laughter.

My only disappointment from the ATA convention last month was not sitting down and spending some time with him again. He's really a great guy.
Edited cuz I put this on the wrong thread

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-11-2003 14:50: Message edited by: MULE ]</font>
Bruce, do you think Eddie is better than callers like Rich Higgins or Jay Nistetter or Gerry Blair or Tal Lockwood, and if so, what is it that makes him better?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> If I were asked who is the best current day predator caller in Arizona, hands down, it would be Eddie Murdock, and I challenge anyone, to show me a better one. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tbone, now you are going to put me in a spot. I went back and read my post about Eddie, and perhaps I could have worded that a little better. I do not like putting "greatness" on anybody to be fair to the many, many callers out there who are very good at what they do. To single one out from the rest, would not be fair.

You have named some very good callers - some of the best! A few others are Leonard, Danny, Vic Carlson, Curt, Mule and let us not leave out the ADC boys who are outstanding callers for the most part. I know we could keep adding names to the list, but you get my point.

So, where or how do we define "greatness" in a caller? Is it most killed in a season? Is it who wins this contest or that contest? And then you have to toss in Coyote populations in various hunting areas and the many different hunting terrains. Here in Arizona, we have lots of Coyotes and we hunt in brushy type terrain. It is a rare day we get to see a coyote coming from long distance. Then there are boys that hunt in the wide open terrains. There are many different "ifs" to all this. I know one thing, I am not about to set the rules for who gets to be "King of The Heap". No way. One other thing to consider, and that is Vic Carlson is the finest rifle shot at a running coyote I have ever seen. It is a rare miss for him. So, his kills will be very high, yet he doesn't have to hunt near as hard as many others. Don't get me wrong, because Vic is an outstanding caller and shot. I just tossed that in for consideration.

But for Eddie, he has my total respect. He is out there every weekend, 52 weeks per year. Even when it is so hot in the summer, Eddie is out there scouting and looking for new territory. He is very good at what he does. He used to just sleep in the back of his truck, but then he got a girl friend and had to buy a tent - of all the things.
We all know how that goes.

PS: Maybe we should start a separate thread on the definition of caller greatness????

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-11-2003 17:08: Message edited by: Bruce A. Kennedy ]</font>
Eddie Murdoch shares one quality or common denominator with Bruce Kennedy and all the other names mentioned(and a hell of a lot that weren't). That is PASSION. (my wife calls it obsession). Eddie is a stalwart of the Phoenix Varmint Callers Inc.. He attends every meeting and every function. When volunteers are asked to man the club booth at shows, Eddie's hand goes up. When expert volunteers are asked to guide novice members, Eddies hand goes up. He has time to talk to whomever asks his advice. All that is true of the other men I've hunted with and talked to that share a great passion for predator calling. I would call those that share this obsession 'Partners in Passion' but that just sounds wrong.
Absolutely fantastic information you just posted Bruce

Thank You, I don't think anyone could have put that any better!

Rich H... yup.. and double yep... PASSION!

Gawd, I'm glad I checked in here tonight before reporting for the paper!

Now Bruce dear... what about that dog gone pic??!!??
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I would call those that share this obsession 'Partners in Passion' but that just sounds wrong. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Rich Higgins, I think you just hit the "Nail on the Head". I love that expression.

Crow Women, you all start sending money; lots of money, and I will tell you when to stop sending money, for me to tell you about that "Photo".
Oh, wow, nice to learn about such a well-respected guy who doesn't hang it all up in the summer and just gets after them whenever he gets a chance! Glad to see such an excellent hunter is not tendered by those anti-hunting sentimentalities.
money eh... hmmm... did you ever hear of the bartor system... do you take trade in value into account also

Alright everybody, everyone of you that have gotten good phone from me, start paying up, I wanna hear a story about that pic!!!


Inquiring minds want to know

I appreciate you including me in such an esteemed group of coyote killers, but I definitely belong in the amateur category
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