Caribou Gear

Hey Idaho: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain...

They don't cater to the fringe, they talk about it... but very little action representing the fringe occurs in either direction. That's both the beauty and blight of the system. Good luck pointing out how your life has noticeably changed as a result of someone in office. I have yet to meet anyone that can (or at least that can convince me that it truly in the responsibility of the person in office).

I would consider the public land transfer guys fringe. Wouldn't you? They've bought and paid for politicians on every level. If they succeed it will affect me. How about you?
So extreme that "social conservatives" can't support hunting and hunters because they need to tell people who they can marry, what women can do with their bodies, and own all the guns their hearts want

You might have a point if "what women can do with their bodies" only affected themselves. Fifty million and counting... so much for a baby's right to choose. Oh that's right we have legally determined that unborn children are not children. Wasn't too long ago that if your skin was the wrong color you weren't legally a person either. We've come a long way baby.

You might have a point if "what women can do with their bodies" only affected themselves. Fifty million and counting... so much for a baby's right to choose. Oh that's right we have legally determined that unborn children are not children. Wasn't too long ago that if your skin was the wrong color you weren't legally a person either. We've come a long way baby.

There is a world of difference between life and the right thereto. Biology determines the former; we determine the later. The fact that some feel affected by the determination involves them minding other people's business.
Seriously folks, whether you are an Idaho resident or a non-resident, please send a letter to Governor Otter. The letter I sent is copied below. Non-residents, this does affect you. The proposed legislation for mandated auction tags takes those takes out of the non-resident pool.

Letter to Otter (below). You can write him using this form:

Governor Otter,

Based on the recent news regarding emails from Doug Sayer and the decisions you made regarding commissioners Naillon and Doerr, I want you to know that I will be doing all that I can to rally fellow hunters to stop supporting you and those involved in this corruption. Yes, that is what it is.

Take a long hard look at the reasons a fish and game commission was established and it will be abundantly clear that the purpose is to keep politics out of wildlife management. Please immediately stop dirtying the waters of fish and game affairs by interjecting your personal/political favors into the mix. Let science and public input be the guiding principles, as they were intended to be.

And please tell any of you legislative pals that if they are dumb enough to introduce mandated auction tags again this winter, they should expect the vast majority of the hunting community to tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Josh Kuntz
Independent Voter & Pissed Off Hunter
There is a world of difference between life and the right thereto. Biology determines the former; we determine the later. The fact that some feel affected by the determination involves them minding other people's business.

"The law giveth and the law taketh away. Blessed be the name of the law." Aren't we the lucky ones to be able to make that determination? Pretty sure basic biology determines that a fertilized embryo turns into this...303625_466900066675398_1227121550_n.jpg that is unless someone minds another person's business and terminates them. Legally, my daughter could have been terminated at the same age that she survived on her own with no complications.

On some issues, the man behind the curtain is the man in front of the mirror. How long until we determine the right to life for those who hold undesirable viewpoints? "Ut faciat iudicium. Vae victis."

Apologies to Ben Long for the hijack.
"The law giveth and the law taketh away. Blessed be the name of the law." Aren't we the lucky ones to be able to make that determination? Pretty sure basic biology determines that a fertilized embryo turns into this...that is unless someone minds another person's business and terminates them. Legally, my daughter could have been terminated at the same age that she survived on her own with no complications.

On some issues, the man behind the curtain is the man in front of the mirror. How long until we determine the right to life for those who hold undesirable viewpoints? "Ut faciat iudicium. Vae victis."

Apologies to Ben Long for the hijack.

Lucky or not, we are the ones who get to make that determination. We decide when the right vests and when it is forfeit. We do it all the time, with the guilty and the innocent. Life may begin at conception but the right to it does not vest until we say it does. And if a termination is with consent of, or at the request of the mother, then those who do it are not minding the other's business. They are respecting the choice of that other.

If the mother of your daughter chose life, then that's on her. Her choice.

As to your final question, we already determine life based on viewpoints: Ask all the collateral damage, here and abroad, who's only action was a viewpoint in support of their country, leader, economy, or a viewpoint in opposition to our own.

If it comes down to a politician who is anti-choice and pro-land transfer, you have a choice; between minding another person's business/supporting some private person's business, or voting for another who respects choice and public land.
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Let's not make this a debate about abortion, come on people learn to stick to the issue at hand instead of piling on every other issue like it has to be a package deal. This thread was started to discuss what many of us already suspected, that Gov. Otter gave Idaho sportsman the shaft by doing a favor for Doug Sayer and Steve Bair. Those two threw a temper tantrum when they didn't get their way and they took it out on us, the Idaho sportsmen by pushing 2 of our most outspoken supporters out of the commission.

I encourage everyone to write to Gov. Otter and these two selfish men and tell them that we are not in favor of their ideas and we have made that clear over the last several legislative sessions and in public comment opportunities in front of the IDFG commission. I would also encourage you to write to the commissioners and thank them for standing by the common Idaho sportsman, especially write to the 2 newest members of the commission and make clear your opinion on the matter.
Kenetrek Boots

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