Yeti GOBOX Collection

hey BuzzH

I used to argue with Buzz a lot it seemed like, then we went hunting together. He down here and me up there. We had a great time and, I'm happy to say, we both got animals. He's one of the most pleasant people I have ever hunted with. He's also an abrasive poster here. You can't help but like a man who can't stand "stupidity" when he sees it and tells people so. Its what makes these forums work. You have to post and give your opinion and your facts, then the discussion can follow.
Let me translate Buzz`s posts:

Coues deer are a blast to hunt, but all it takes is patiance, getting away from the roads, and knowing how to glass. No big deal.

means I am great and don`t you forget it

I'm pretty darn fussy about how I hunt, where I hunt, and with whom I hunt.

means I have no friends because I am abrasive as hell

I have a hunting schedule that would kill an average man.

means I am not an average man I am SUPERMAN

you ignored the mule deer, elk, whitetail, coues deer, and bighorn.

Want me to post pics, do ya , do ya pleeese!

way better than the average antelope killed in Wyoming

remember I am not average I am SUPERMAN

feel free to post pictures of any of the critters you've killed...if you've really shot anything

No one and I mean no one kills more or better then me , want me to post pics, do ya , pleeze!

No that is comedy, I don`t care who you are!

This guy hit the nail on the head. Buzz you are owned
I've hunted with a lot of people, Buzz is one of the best out of maybe 200. Its ok to think he's not, the world is full of mistaken dipshits about one thing or another, me included probably.