PEAX Equipment

hey BuzzH

Let me translate Buzz`s posts:

Coues deer are a blast to hunt, but all it takes is patiance, getting away from the roads, and knowing how to glass. No big deal.
means I am great and don`t you forget it

I'm pretty darn fussy about how I hunt, where I hunt, and with whom I hunt.
means I have no friends because I am abrasive as hell

I have a hunting schedule that would kill an average man.
means I am not an average man I am SUPERMAN

you ignored the mule deer, elk, whitetail, coues deer, and bighorn.
Want me to post pics, do ya , do ya pleeese!

way better than the average antelope killed in Wyoming
remember I am not average I am SUPERMAN

feel free to post pictures of any of the critters you've killed...if you've really shot anything
No one and I mean no one kills more or better then me , want me to post pics, do ya , pleeze!

No that is comedy, I don`t care who you are!
BuzzH said:
Jealousy at its finest.

:D :D ....don't forget modesty. Buzz, just curious, did you take your photo album to the AZ hunter's class or did the 8 hour time restriction prohibit?;)
280... that was hilarious......Hunting schedule that would "kill' the average man....That is damn funny....Hey Buzz why don`t you lay your meat on the slab [in the adult section]?

Yep, it would out-right kill someone like you.

I'll make a prediction as to how the upcoming season will unfold...based on the assumption that I dont draw tags in NV, AZ, or one of the big three in MT.
May-June black bears in WY.
Early Sept. 7 day archery elk in Wyoming.
Mid-Sept. Help 3-5 buddies with Antelope near my house (probably all 5 but depends on draw).
Sept. 25-28 Wife and I are hunting antelope and showing no mercy on bucks in the 75-80 inch range.
Also in Sept. bag from 2-4 doe antelope with musket.
Oct. 1-14 Mule deer for my buddy Doug and I.
Oct 15-21 Myself and two of my friends from Missoula will punish 3 bulls in Wyoming.
Oct. 22-30 Fill a couple antlerless deer or hunt elk if necessary. Fill second cow tag.

Oct. 31 take one day off to pass out candy to kids.

Nov. Take the early part of the month and maybe hunt some deer in WY if necessary, highly unlikely.
Nov. 10-23 Put up a stout meat pole for a week-long hunt in MT. My prediction is at least 16 whitetails will be chillin'...more than likely around 20. Throw in a couple elk for good measure.

Nov. 24-Dec 10 Bag 3-4 blacktail bucks on kodiak, catch a couple hundred pounds of halibut/rockfish/ling, etc., shoot a few sea ducks.

If I draw AZ get back in time to head south for Coues deer.

That schedule would kill the average guy...its a tough life but someone has to do it.
I'll join you for part of that schedule. It ain't gonna kill me.

My last week of after work and weekend hunting tallied close to 60 miles.. I was counting on my fingers so who knows how accurate that is.. some of it with a kid or a bunch of meat in a pack. Still managed to get to the gym twice too. I'm still fat though. Said I was going to quit the ice cream and beer, but I just can't do it. Oh well.

My schedule would likely SLOW you down...

I'm going to be double checking the zero on my rifle this weekend, getting the waders out, and sharpening some skinning knives.......


Once or twice a year 280 does make a funny post.
Oct. 31 take one day off to pass out candy to kids.

Buzz please make sure you were a pleasent costume,living, breathing azzholes tend to scare small children!
Buzz, I love serious hunting/fishing schedules like that! Certainly shows where your prioritys are. Good luck. I wish I were young enough to have all that energy again!:D Looks like I'll be spending 40-50 days introducing a new puppy to as many birds as I can get him into this coming season. That only leaves 20-30 days for fishin' and deer huntin'.:)
Nope Donna, no sheep like that behind the ranch, wrong country for sheep.

Also, you won't see me post pics like yours. Not my style and I don't take many pics of my game. I take them of the people I take out and give them the pics. I am still in the stone age with a 35mm camera.
T-Bone, Scout was 11 years old in March and is still going strong. Out for a hike yesterday and she got on some chukars and finally cornered and pointed them 300 yards away. I'm amazed she's doing so well, but it's time to start a new puppy. I don't have it yet, but it will be a male pudelpointer. I'm looking at some that will be ready to go to a new home in June.

The sheep picture was taken with a stone-age 35mm.

You're a fool for not taking TONS of pictures. I regret not taking more when I was younger. I took some, but you can never have too many, and thats a fact.
AzSlim said:
Also, you won't see me post pics like yours. Not my style and I don't take many pics of my game. I take them of the people I take out and give them the pics. I am still in the stone age with a 35mm camera.

I hear ya AZSlim...I Used to never even think of bringing a camera on a hunting trip....But with the internet I wish i did... probably only have 20% of my killed big game on film...If us hunters over 50 had everything we whacked and stacked on film... we would make Buzz look like a boyscout.... But I can`t take away what Buzz has captured with his camera... and I do enjoy his pictures [except does] I have never even took a picture of a doe....My wife had her picture in the outdoor section [AZ republic] once with a doe....but they just look funny....I guess you never know what the future holds.....Buzz gets bragging rights for film... but his schedule that would "kill' the average man still cracks me up..... Many of us in our hayday[ including me] would walk/run him into the ground on his best day.....hump
I regret not keeping any racks of our game too. I would love to have my first deer rack or elk rack, they weren't huge but they were goodies. My grandfolks gave them away to anyone that asked for them, just didn't care or value them. Now we do, but its too late - some dude back east probably has them mounted on his wall.