hey BuzzH

There's not a thing wrong with Buzz's demeanor that a double dose of rogaine/xanax taken with a Cuervo Gold "Chaser" couldn't cure.:D
Been out in the boonies for a while and finally getting back to this post.

Here is my offer Buzz. You commented you wanted to get a coues - well you put in for the first hunt in 36B and I will take you right to the heart of coues deer country. All you need to bring is your sleeping gear and rifle and we will split the chow costs. I'll eat my gas costs. No shooting a dink deer the first 2 days - spike or forkhorn. As experienced a hunter as you are you should have no problem taking a 4 year old or better. I am not guiding I am just sharing my gear, you are on your own the first couple days. I only have a couple of camp rules - no booze while the guns are out, no rounds in the chamber unless you are by yourself and no pissing in camp, walk at least 15 ft to the bushes.

Here is the chance for you to put your money where your mouth is - I have. And I promise not to kick your ass while we are in camp.
Forget it Slim, Buzz thinks the northern Az units have more and bigger coues than down south... he actualy tried to argue that point with me... ,,, sad part is he still believes it......Tried to tell him to go down south... but as you can see he thinks he knows more than us AZ hunters....
I had to correct the guy several times in an 8 hour course on AZ REGULATIONS and FEDERAL REGULATIONS.


They both asked me why I wasnt teaching the class as it was pretty apparent I knew more than the instructor.

i was thinking the same thing.

And I promise not to kick your ass while we are in camp.

(singing) and we'll have promises, broken promises.................
JB said:

i was thinking the same thing.

(singing) and we'll have promises, broken promises.................

...sang to the 6 fingered banjo melody of "Deliverance":D.....'Dueling Keyboards'
AzSlim,LOL you made my day starting this post.Your a fast learner.

I don't know anyone on here that has ever accused Buzz of not being able to hunt and take great animals.Great pictures in anyones book.

It's all the other things that make for a quality person where he falls short.

"I had to correct the guy several times in an 8 hour course on AZ REGULATIONS and FEDERAL REGULATIONS. "
"They both asked me why I wasnt teaching the class as it was pretty apparent I knew more than the instructor. "

BUZZ---- is not just another great hunter he is also a great self promoter.

Thanks for the offer, but I'd guess you'd more than likely just get in my way.

If I were to hunt a Southern Unit, I doubt I'd bother with 36b, I'd likely hunt 35b or 35a.

I've spent quite a bit of time down south, I like the Patagonia's better and I've seen bigger bucks in 35b.

That being said, I really like the country better in the North Central units and despite what cjcj claims, there are some really good bucks in them.

This year it would be impossible for me to hunt an early Coues hunt down south. October is completely booked for me. November is also a done deal for me, drew MT deer/elk. I'll have just enough time to take a nice whitetail and elk in MT before I fly to Kodiak for blacktail/halibut/sea ducks. I'd be stretching things thin even drawing a Dec. Coues hunt.

Coues deer are a blast to hunt, but all it takes is patiance, getting away from the roads, and knowing how to glass. No big deal.
AZSkinny...don't let Buzz's B.S. give you any false confidence...when it comes to putting critters on the floor, you best not doubt him...nor challenge him...JMHO

...otherwise, he's full of buzzchit.
BuzzH said:
If I were to hunt a Southern Unit, I doubt I'd bother with 36b, I'd likely hunt 35b or 35a.

I've spent quite a bit of time down south, I like the Patagonia's better and I've seen bigger bucks in 35b.

That being said, I really like the country better in the North Central units and despite what cjcj claims, there are some really good bucks in them.


Coues deer are a blast to hunt, but all it takes is patiance, getting away from the roads, and knowing how to glass. No big deal.

Buzz, I just said where the majority of Coues deer and big Coues bucks were located and taken, you tried arguing that I was wrong....Sometimes your problem is your "arrogance" gets in the way of "common sence"... You have hunted Coues in AZ ..one time? and never even hunted them when we had the north/south discussion... but you never admitted it.... I have killed over 10 Coues deer in AZ and at the time you had killed ZERO... yet you think you know more about them then most AZ hunters.... As I said before I would never ever attempt to tell you anything about hunting in Wyoming... or the Idaho/Texas/Montana/Washington etc,etc boys about their state or hunting grounds......No one challenges your hunting ability... but I really don`t see where you are any better than anyone else .....You have lots of chances thats great... but I think your ego sometimes is your downfall..... Yes there are big Coues in the central units, 6a just south of stonemen lake in the pines has some... but the fact is the southern units hold more and bigger Coues overall.....why is/was that so hard for you to acknowledge? I`ll answer it for you "EGO".......
Moosie said:
How many is that BTW ? :D

I can`t remember? you lose count after a while... hey i`m 52 and been deer hunting since I was 10 .... Most of my coues were real little about the size of a skinny greyhound dog.. But I have whacked 3 big ones also......We only hunted Coues if we didn`t draw a good mulie tag... used to be thousands of leftover coues tags [good old days]......Not to brag but its easy to fill a tag in AZ... the hard part is drawing the tag.....next week I go for the Turkey... pretty easy I.M.O.
No problem Donna - thought I would put the offer on the table, wanted to see you take a mature buck on the first time out of the chute - I remember reading where you posted you wanted to hunt coues and it wasn't too many posts ago.

No way I would get in your way because I was going to sit my butt in camp or on a tall hill and watch you through the glass. Thought it would be a good opportunity to learn from a real hunter since I obviously can't find a cow pie in the cow pasture. And those pics of antelope, WOW, I'm impressed. You live in Wyoming and have shot antelope. That's like me posting pics of saguaro cactus living here in Az. They were almost as big as the two living on the spring a mile behind my uncles house where we do the branding.

Just let me know when you are ready to go Donna and I will set you up in some good coues country.

Like I said, thanks for the offer, but no thanks. I'm pretty darn fussy about how I hunt, where I hunt, and with whom I hunt.

I'll definately kill more coues deer, but not likely this year as I have a hunting schedule that would kill an average man.

By the way, thanks for noticing the antelope while you ignored the mule deer, elk, whitetail, coues deer, and bighorn. I think that antelope I killed was around 78 B&C, 15 3/8 and 15 1/8 horns. Not a hog, but way, way, way better than the average antelope killed in Wyoming.

By the way, feel free to post pictures of any of the critters you've killed...if you've really shot anything.

Does your uncle have bigger white sheep than this behind the house where you brand?

Just curious.

no pissing in camp, walk at least 15 ft to the bushes.
Damn slim, I was hoping someday to hunt with you but there's no way now. After the first beer gets cracked open, I have trouble making it 5 ft and you're asking for 15? :D Maybe I'll ask superhero Buzz if I can piss in his camp one day instead. On second thought, that doesn't sound like much fun. Btw Buzz, you do know that AZ hunter ed instructors don't get paid, don't you? Of course you do.

I'm a little disappointed. I think that you might have Buzz pegged all wrong....

AzSlim said:
On the second day, God created the monkey and said: "Entertain people,
do tricks, and make them laugh. For this, I'll give you a twenty-year life

Now dance Buzz Monkey, DANCE!!!:D :eek:
I have a hunting schedule that would kill an average man

Oh MY GOD, just when I think i have seen it all,,,wow, honestly I don`t think I have ever seen a bigger ego, I am amazed

I sure hope they arent paid...if they were, it would be a waste of license dollars.

Oh, and its kind of cute to see the Arizona brokeback hunters all "sticking" together...
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