Hero's of the left


I'm more than pretty sure you dont know what you're talking about...maybe you need to catch up with the times...2008...not 1960.

I can tell you for 100% fact that the only BLM, FS, NPS employees that are not concerned with the current budget situations are likely only short-term seasonals...and of course...fire-fighters.

Anyone with a PFT appointment is very aware of budgets...or lack of a budget.

With that said, I'll now continue to school you on your lack of knowledge regarding government employees.

I've worked in a wide range of disciplines for the last 21 years, including fire, fuels management, silviculture, timber, BD, tree planting, wildlife, etc. etc. etc.

I can tell you for 100% fact that fire-fighters milk the living shit out of every fire they fight. Its gross, it really is. Been there, done that, and like Pointer said, its become part of the "culture".

I cant tell you how many "fires" I've fought that amounted to nothing more than a single tree burning from a lightning strike and a spot the size of a living room floor smoldering.

Typically these types of fires can be turned into a "garden patch" in about 3-4 hours. But, the way its done in the "fire culture" is to put a "scratch line" about 90% of the way around the fire. Rarely are fires called "contained" the day they are first manned...amazingly most fires are called "contained" a few hour after midnight. That way "hazard" pay can be earned for 2 full days...which is 25% of your base pay. Not to mention that hours clocked are usually in excess of 12 hours...30+ hours in two-day stretches is common. The only risk you're taking on a fire like this is the risk of being bored to tears.

How about playing cards, horse-shoes, and sleeping on the clock? Dont know many timber crews, BD crews, silviculturists, range managers, etc. that get away with that.

But, to give credit where its due, there is...(more correctly WAS) about 10% of the time that fire-fighting can be dangerous and hard work. You initial attack a real big fire and put in a 40 hour shift as a pulaski motor...yeah, its tough. Yeah, you earn your money...but thats 10% of the time. Currently, with all the rules, regulations, and basically 'fraidy cat fire-fighting...its become a joke. We cant fight fire at night anymore, cant fight fire if its too steep, cant fight fire if we have red flag warnings, cant fight fire if we might get blisters. Its become a joke, a bunch of people standing around watching a fire burn...15 years ago...hell, 10 years ago it was much different. Aggressive fire-fighting is a thing of the past.

As to fire-fighters "risking their necks" and nobody else in the government...again you're clueless pal. Really you are.

My current job requires flying in small fixed-wing aircraft into remote places. In case you missed it, I got to see a plane auger in on one of the strips about 2 months ago.

Also, for the record a few years ago, 3 of the people I work with crashed in a tributary to the Middle Fork of the Flathead River. Five total on board, pilot, flight manager, and a very good friend of mine...all DEAD. Another friend and co-worker badly burned and a broken back...one was "lucky" and only suffered minor burns and an ankle injury.

You're right, its only the fire-fighters that are "risking" their necks...

Oh, and BTW, my job previous to the one I'm doing now...I was personally responsible for an $800,000 a year budget as the project manager. I had to account for every penny... from equipment, salaries, contract work, administration costs, etc. etc. etc.

To say I didnt "worry" about or wasnt "responsible" for the budget is just not true.

Cali, you're wrong on this one...big time. I've been there, done that, and have the T-shirt. You're making wild guesses.

Sure glad "range managers" never risk their necks. Sadly, I wish my coworkers hadnt risked theirs that day. In particular when you have to read a bunch of bullshit like this, "Just about every one I know of makes sure they get every penny of OT, holiday pay, comp time, etc. available."

Do you think hiking 2 days with a broken back and severe burns was worth the comp time? Was the OT worth it? How about those federal holidays off...Yep, that definately made it all worth it.

Another classic bunch of bullshit here: "In addition, I haven't seen too many city clerks, mailmen or range managers risking their necks".

Really? Wow, maybe you need to get off the porch more often. Let me assure you Cali, the wages, OT, Comp time, and federal holidays off arent worth it. The people I work with do the job for reasons way beyond the compensation package...reasons you wouldnt understand. Really, the last thing they need is to listen to some jerk-ass rake them over the coals for doing a job that 99.9% of the work force either cant...or wont do. If you think its such a cake walk Cali, send me an app, we're hiring. Its an easy job...all we do is swim through gravy all day.

For your continuing education:

To say I didnt "worry" about or wasnt "responsible" for the budget is just not true.

Buzz, "worrying" all money is spent so the budget doesnt get cut is not what we call "responsible" in the real world. :D

What other myths do you believe in? Just curious.

For what its worth, the project I managed was 100% soft money...if the work wasnt completed in a timely manner within the budget...no more funding and no more project.

Oh, and we could carry over funds from year to year. Not all agencies are the same...but I guess in your constant state of cluelessness, that probably evaded you.

What other myths do you believe in? Just curious.

Hard Working Govt Employee's, Santa Claus and the Tooth Ferry......and maybe Big Foot.

Yep, all gov. employees are lazy.

In particular the group I work with...about 60 of us lazy bastards only hiked a combined 43,560 documented miles last year.

Yep, all gov. employees are lazy.

maybe not, but you could say the same about Govt employee's as you did about fire-fighters and be much closer to the truth.
I can tell you for 100% fact that fire-fighters milk the living shit out of every fire they fight. Its gross, it really is. Been there, done that, and like Pointer said, its become part of the "culture".

In particular the group I work with...about 60 of us lazy bastards only hiked a combined 43,560 documented miles last year.

sounds expensive. :D

Just curious...how many fires have you fought in your life? How many hours have you spent on fire lines? What size of fires you were on? Part of an incident team? IC many fires?

How many different Gov. agencies have you worked for over the years? Federal? State? BIA?

Just wondering about your extensive background in judging wildland fire fighters and their "culture" compared to other gov. employees.
98% of our country's swollen beauracracy give the other 2% a bad name....just like lawyers....some double dip by being govt. lawyers.:D

"98% of our country's swollen beauracracy give the other 2% a bad name....just like lawyers....some double dip by being govt. lawyers.


Yes it is Ken!

Just curious...how many fires have you fought in your life? How many hours have you spent on fire lines? What size of fires you were on? Part of an incident team? IC many fires?

none, seen a buddy puke on a fire after we had put away a gallon of Vodka..flames went about 6' in the air..next day he says " Man, Im glad I didnt catch myself on fire" I told him "Dont worry, I'd of pissed on ya".

for the record: I have nothing but respect for fire fighters and the difficulties involed in doing their jobs.
I get real defensive about my job, too. After all, it is what pays the bills.

Out of the thousands upon thousands of government workers - how many risk their lives frequently? How many of them die compared to firefighters as a percentage of that workforce? (I don't know - do the experts have the numbers to compare?) I just find it humorous that bureaucrats and "ologists" criticize the firefighters as being worthless while claiming that they are the true, unsung heroes. ;)

Some of you have personal animousity towards a particular, part-time firefighter on this site and have some decided to paint them all with the same brush. Then you bitch when someone does the same to you! :eek:
I get real defensive about my job, too. After all, it is what pays the bills.

I know every time I drive past the Title and Escrow Company, I just feel thankful that there are brave people inside risking paper cuts, lung cancer, and liver damage to make sure all 3 copies of a form they don't understand are properly signed....
Yep, but I do not claim that my job is vital and yours meaningless nor do I disparage folks who do risk their lives or have risked their lives like you denigrate veterans or other selfless people that you consider fools. Of course, you will not fail to call them when your life is in danger...

There is a clinical name for people like you who put others down in order to feel better about themselves. I just call them assholes.
I'm pretty sure that Elkchsr was the first to disparage others for the the jobs they held.
I am not so sure of that! I seem to recall that it was elkchsr that was attacked for both what he does and his skill level at it and he responded in kind.

There you have it, the infallible Super Moderator is correct, as to challenge him would mean you don't respect him because of his service 40 years ago......
There you have it, the infallible Super Moderator is correct, as to challenge him would mean you don't respect him because of his service 40 years ago......

..what a dipshit comment. :cool: Not too late to edit Einstein.
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