Kenetrek Boots

HB 96 - Landowner Elk Tags Hikjacked

E-mail sent. Again.

Just a quick question for those that know. Are e-mails effective, or do Phone calls carry more weight when trying to voice support or opposition to the various issues.

Its often alot easier for me to send an e-mail than to call.

I believe there about the same. The e-mail has a higher chance of being read by the legislator. (Could end up after the fact though) The phone call is received by a person working the lines and will just put a colored card on the legislators desk.

The one thing we need to do in responding to these people in Helena, is be very polite in your any of your ways of commenting. Treat them as you would want to be treated. Thanks to all responders.
I just noticed a reply e-mail in my inbox from one of the legislators I contacted in my town/city. She stated that "HB 96 has become confusing. At the moment, the bill failed on the floor of the House, but it may be resurrected today. There were two attempts to "fix" the bill with amendments and both amendments failed. I really cannot say at this point how I would vote on the bill if it returns. Thanks for writing."

So, this bill may not be 100% dead.