Kenetrek Boots

HB 96 - Landowner Elk Tags Hikjacked

Well hell it's all good! Says right there in black and white can't charge for the tag OR access. Nothing to worry about..... I'm Going to give you this tag and you can hunt for free...... But you have to camp in my yard and that will cost you $7000.
Thanks for keeping us up to date Ben. I've been doing my best to obey Lamb's Law: Be nice.
Well hell it's all good! Says right there in black and white can't charge for the tag OR access. Nothing to worry about..... I'm Going to give you this tag and you can hunt for free...... But you have to camp in my yard and that will cost you $7000.

Pretty much. Or, you can stay in the single wide trailer for 8k.
The way the amendment is written, the possibilities for abuse have grown from the original bill. Now, instead of rewarding landowners who allow extra access and are enrolled in block management, the bill sets the precedent to trade increased leasing rates for the extra LE permits based on an outfitter's client list.

The bill has been made substantially worse.
A "different" view of HB 96. From the coffee shop, grocery newsstand small rag "Montana Pioneer" February 2017 edition.
The headline reads "Bills to .......Reward Elk Management", authored by Chelcie Cargill of the Montana Farm Bureau.
"From our members standpoint, we believe we have a grossly over populated and under-managed elk herd in the state."
"....for landowners who are living in regions that are overrun with elk, this is a small step in the right direction to reward them for helping manage this out of control elk population."
As of this printing,discussion of THE amendment was discussed, but not yet proposed.
Popular reading for the masses, thanks Montana Pioneer.
Got a response from Welch...Standard politician repsonse is that he has gotten as many comments against as for and he wants to look into the implications more but was happy to have received my comment.
The bill isn't up for 2nd reading today, so please keep the calls coming in opposing HB 96.
Bill is up today on the House floor. Word is that email & phone call traffic has been heavy. We have until 1 PM to get opposition calls & emails in.

Keep hammering.
If this bill were to pass or another bill like it. Meaning landowners or landowners/outfitters being able to transfer (sell) hunting licenses or permits . . . . I have said it before and I will say it again. We as residents need to then pass a Constitutional Initiative or Citizen's Initiative that would either stop this or tax the $hit out of any landowner or landowner/outfitter that profits from the selling of wildlife. More to the point, this is no different than someone mining coal/gold or harvesting timber. Wildlife is a Montana resource. These clowns pull this $hit every legislative sesssion! They are no longer using their entire land for ranching or farming purposes. They should lose all or a portion of their agricultural tax break.
I've gathered a lot of calls from people who have never called in before. Hope it shows in the votes. Keep us posted, Ben.

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