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Have tag, but ranch sold so nowhere to hunt in Montana

But again how many of you would just pick up and head to somewhere you've never been and just hike in and start to hunt one month before the season. Very few of you would go for it

I'd venture to guess the majority of us. I'm a flatlander and do it annually with western hunts.

plus I know they don't have the equipment to do such a hunt, although they do have horses, but no tents and pack equipment. Which again would hinder you in such a hunt. Could they buy the stuff they need, yes, but today it's not in the cards. Maybe next year or in the future, but again not today.

The only equipment needed that you wouldn't already bring on a ranch hunt is a knife, game bags, and probably a pack that's good for packing meat. No need to backpack/camp.

I don't see anything wrong with nice private ranch guided hunts and bet most feel the same. It's just the idea that she "can't use her tags" or "time is running out" if someone doesn't find her a spot where someone does the hunting for her that rubs on people's sensitivities.

Good luck to you and her.
But again how many of you would just pick up and head to somewhere you've never been and just hike in and start to hunt one month before the season.
Aside from hunting with my father-n-law on his ranch in the last 10 years, hunting 11 different states I’ve never hunted the same place two seasons in a row, part of the fun for me in hunting is exploring new country.
I actually I agree but cmon man .... call a outfitter !!! If he/she is full I’m pretty sure they could point you in right direction . Few phone calls would go a lot further than any info you’ll get here is all I’m saying
Asking a friend; what we’re supposed to be, isn’t a freaking crime
Asking a friend; what we’re supposed to be, isn’t a freaking crime
I understand this is a “public land” hunting forum, but the guy is in a bind n needs a hand….plain n simple, no need to go off on the “honor of the public land hunter” stance, we all can’t live; rt or wrong, in areas where we can drive rt down the road n access thousands of acres to go, or have the time to invest in hunting those areas. I do hunt private land; my family’s, I take and have offered on this site, friends to gw me. I do and am privileged to hunt out West most years, non guided n on my own, but really get tired of some of the “Holier than Thou” attitudes on this site.
I understand this is a “public land” hunting forum ...
Hence some of the unsympathetic reaction to a plea to assist after the loss of paid hunting access to one of the most outstanding deer and elk habitat ranches on earth, a ranch which recently sold for about $136 million, the highest price tag ever in Montana, a place where you may get to merely step out of the warm vehicle and shoot a trophy animal.

Although most hunters on this forum will readily offer advice and assistance to those obviously willing to put in the efforts usually required to successfully harvest an elk, recognize that most of them have "paid their dues" in the western states with scouting, researching, and putting in a great deal of time, effort and boot leather in hunting but not all that often even shooting, let alone taking a trophy bull elk of the quality running around in good numbers on the Climbing Arrow Ranch. As someone who has enjoyed the privilege of hunting cow elk on the CA, I have to be honest in acknowledging my envy of someone who hunts trophy game in that great place.

So don't be so critical of the seemingly "holier-than-thou" attitude, which is more aptly recognized as an attitude of valuing the effort and challenge that goes into hunting elk for most hunters.
Anecdotal CA human interest story: Last time hunting the Climbing Arrow was with my son who had permission to take his paraplegic wheelchair bound friend for a cow elk hunt. We found a small herd across a valley and this highly competent and skilled sharpshooting disabled hunter dropped the elk in her tracks with a vitals shot at in excess of 350 yards. We were able to drive very close to the downed elk and the disabled hunter deeply impressed us as he climbed down to the ground, crawled over to his elk, pulled out his knife and began dressing her out. We were able to assist, but he accomplished most of the work. After that we explored the ranch a bit more and saw more elk and some impressive mule deer bucks.
It was a day to be remembered!
But again how many of you would just pick up and head to somewhere you've never been and just hike in and start to hunt one month before the season. Very few of you would go for it plus I know they don't have the equipment to do such a hunt, although they do have horses, but no tents and pack equipment.

Open the border tomorrow, give me an elk tag and I'll head for any unit sight unseen. But again, I do that at least once a season.

As for not having the equipment, I get buying guided hunts on private is expensive year after year, but I'm pretty sure it covers the cost of a hotel room or two and somewhere to leave their horses over night. They could still easily hunt a few miles in/out daily quite easily.

Edit: Man, I'd give my left nut to have tags, "guided hunt" money AND horses...
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Open the border tomorrow, give me an elk tag and I'll head for any unit sight unseen. But again, I do that at least once a season.

As for not having the equipment, I get buying guided hunts on private is expensive year after year, but I'm pretty sure it covers the cost of a hotel room or two and somewhere to leave their horses over night. They could still easily hunt a few miles in/out daily quite easily.

Edit: Man, I'd give my left nut to have tags, "guided hunt" money AND horses...
Where have you been..... it's like you left me
Last post for me on this topic ... I truly wish the best for the hunter and to all hunting Montana this fall . But, this ranch sold a long while back .... not last week not last month ... general rifle opens in less than 2 weeks ... there’s thousands of places to hunt and kill animals in Montana just pick one
Where have you been..... it's like you left me

I was doing some deep soul searching. Work and my ego got in the way of us and I let it get the best of me. I'm back, for good.

There's some truth to that, I got crazy busy with work and let it take over a lot of my personal time. The rest of my time off I was busy going on adventures with the famjam! I didn't realize how tired I was from my last deployment, career courses, exercises, etc. The Army has a tendency to suck your energy dry and it happened to me! I now am on my second week off on stress leave! Best thing I've ever done in 15 years in the Army was walking through the Base clinic doors and telling that MO I needed a break!

Anyway, I'm back baby!
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