Have tag, but ranch sold so nowhere to hunt in Montana

If your not looking for a outfitter but just a private ranch to hunt on them good luck ! Start pounding on doors I guess
So, my best friend's wife has an Elk and Deer tag to hunt in Montana, but the ranch they've hunted for years and were to hunt was sold a couple of months ago and now she has no place to hunt. So if anyone knows of a rancher around Bozeman that will accept a trespass fee or if you guys have any suggestions please let me know and we can put the wheels in motion so that she can use her tags. She may shoot a cow elk or whatever as she's taken some good bulls over the years and she understands what she's up against. So again she's all ears to any and all suggestions.

I second what MTGomer said about contacting one of them for a cancelation hunt.
In the Bozeman area, if your friend's wife is looking to kill a cow elk, she may find a few ranchers that would be happy to have her out. She could call FWP and find out which ranches in region 3 have enrolled in damage hunts this year- those same ranches would probably be delighted to have a cow elk shot on their property before the shoulder hunts and damage hunts even begin. Otherwise, you could her check with Chimney Rock Outfitters or Story Ranch Hunt Co., although both will be $$$ and may not have openings or allow Antlerless hunts during General.
I think her best option is public land or to link up with an actual rancher who is looking to have a cow elk taken off their property. I think asking for a bull elk hunt is a large ask, but not impossible. Good luck.
LMFAO 8ball you're busting this guys chops about public land hunting and all that garbage and you come out every year and hunt private in Central Montana and shoot a management buck.

That's some funny shit.

Sutton I guess I didn't through all the details but there's some decent stuff around the bozo Valley, into Paradise and that. You might get lucky on some cancelation hunts too with outfitters.

Good luck in your search.
LMFAO 8ball you're busting this guys chops about public land hunting and all that garbage and you come out every year and hunt private in Central Montana and shoot a management buck.

That's some funny shit.

Sutton I guess I didn't through all the details but there's some decent stuff around the bozo Valley, into Paradise and that. You might get lucky on some cancelation hunts too with outfitters.

Good luck in your search.
No I’m not ... I’m just saying u don’t need private . Finding private at this date is hard good grief that’s all I’m saying if I could help the gal out I would
8andcounting--what forum should I have put it on?

MTGomer--good tip there, I'll pass it on, thanks.

Man people are hammering you for this... stupid.

There is an outfitter in the tom minor basin down paradise valley that might have some open slots, especially for cows. I'm forgetting the name but I know a couple people that have used them.

I would also look into landtrust.com? < might be slightly off there

You can purchase time on private ranches to go hunt. Dunno the quality as I have never gone that route before but I have certainly thought about it.
Man people are hammering you for this... stupid.

There is an outfitter in the tom minor basin down paradise valley that might have some open slots, especially for cows. I'm forgetting the name but I know a couple people that have used them.

I would also look into landtrust.com? < might be slightly off there

You can purchase time on private ranches to go hunt. Dunno the quality as I have never gone that route before but I have certainly thought about it.
314 is browtine bull only south of Big Creek, so unless she's got a b tag (she might, they issued 1000 of them) she'll need to look north of Big Creek if hunting in the Paradise Valley.
"Not having a place to hunt" is pretty damn funny, as is the apparent bind these people are in to find a place to hunt.. It was the CA ranch that sold. How about those people go park on one of the many trailheads in the Gallatin Canyon or the Bridgers, take a rifle, and see what Montana public land elk hunting is all about. Not that there's anything really wrong with taking a vacation where you get fed, pampered and get to shoot a 350 class bull, but these people have millions of acres of public land to hunt elk on.
"Not having a place to hunt" is pretty damn funny, as is the apparent bind these people are in to find a place to hunt.. It was the CA ranch that sold. How about those people go park on one of the many trailheads in the Gallatin Canyon or the Bridgers, take a rifle, and see what Montana public land elk hunting is all about. Not that there's anything really wrong with taking a vacation where you get fed, pampered and get to shoot a 350 class bull, but these people have millions of acres of public land to hunt elk on.
That sale surprised me, easier for the owners to take the money and buy elk hunts somewhere else vs kill them on your own land?
Good grief guys, @csutton7 has been on here for over 20 years. It's a perfectly reasonable question to ask. The pretentiousness of hunt talk at times is pretty incredible.

I'd call Rob Arnaud first. If he doesn't have availability I would think there's a good chance he'd have a direction to point you. I'm sure if they've got the money and keep calling around they'll be able to shake something loose.
He just sold his outfitting business. I am certainly pretentious on this one. I can't imagine what it would be like to hike up into the gallatin/madison/bridgers with a gun in 2021, when you've had 30+ years of hunting the CA as a warm-up. As if that would happen..

It's exactly where hunting MT is these days.

(when you see someone ask about hunting private ranches on hunt talk)
Sorry to ask the question at this point. Yes it was the CA that they've hunted and so did I back in 1999-2001. They've been hoping they would be allowed to hunt the ranch, but it's a no-go I guess. This woman is in shape and can hike/hunt all day and her guide on the ranch, who I know, likes to get out and really hunt, so it's not all sittin' in a truck riding around the ranch until you see a bull and jump out & shoot it. But again how many of you would just pick up and head to somewhere you've never been and just hike in and start to hunt one month before the season. Very few of you would go for it plus I know they don't have the equipment to do such a hunt, although they do have horses, but no tents and pack equipment. Which again would hinder you in such a hunt. Could they buy the stuff they need, yes, but today it's not in the cards. Maybe next year or in the future, but again not today. Thanks for the guys who've made suggestions. I've passed on the info.
My buddy thought it sold to some guy from Texas, but that's not confirmed and what the intent for it is has not been divulged to him.

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