Kenetrek Boots

Have tag, but ranch sold so nowhere to hunt in Montana

Well it'll be interesting to see where this thread goes......
I heard that rumor it was bought by a guy (from Texas) I guided on the neighbors place in 2002. I've hunted elk on, and been on the CA. It's not anything like stomping around on the general national forests. It is amusing to contrast the two things though, as different as they are, and where things are at in MT these days.
I would absolutely go hunt on public land with 1 month advance notice. No question about it. I would be doing my own research by studying maps and harvest rates, etc and would pick a spot and go. No reason you cant buy a small tent and a campstove in a month.
I've hunted Montana for many decades, mostly on public land but also on private. Having been granted the privilege to hunt the Climbing Arrow (CA) for cow elk on a few occasions, I can tell you that the deer and elk on that ranch are unsurpassed with respect to numbers and trophy class game animals, as well as access to opportunities for taking one.

Greenhorn's amusement at the contrast between the CA and public land hunting is a LOL moment shared by me.
I would absolutely go hunt on public land with 1 month advance notice. No question about it. I would be doing my own research by studying maps and harvest rates, etc and would pick a spot and go. No reason you cant buy a small tent and a campstove in a month.
If you have a tag in your pocket and can afford to hunt the CA, then you certainly can afford a motel room and a few Big Macs for a hunting week out of Bozo, Ennis, or wherever.
But again how many of you would just pick up and head to somewhere you've never been and just hike in and start to hunt one month before the season.
Walking into a place tomorrow night after getting off work at (hopefully before midnight), 10+ miles one way in, for 2 days, and forecast is rain, likely snow. Have been there once, 8 years ago hunting different species. I'm still awaiting some hot tip on my Colorado deer hunt in less than one month. I've never been near there, and have only looked at the Colorado parks and wildlife online atlas. I'm hoping somebody feels sorry for me and offers me a hot tip on where i can go shoot a big buck on limited time and some such other sob story. Even without that, I won't be staying home.
Thanks to the guys who've contributed and to the ones who didn't then I'm glad I got your attention. Everyone good luck on their hunts.
I suppose this isn't helpful. Let's say their normal budget was like $10000 for the CA. You could book a nice room at the Element on main street, or even a nicer place in Big Sky for a week, for far far less less. You could dayhunt out of a very nice place to stay, for a week, in great country.
ranch boundaries
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I avoid private land at all costs. I don't even like being within a mile or two. Ranchland seems to attract loonies - in it and around it. I don't even hunt my own.

Pick a drainage and pound the ground like the rest of us. If that doesn't work pick another. Every year hunt at least one new spot. Eventually you will need the knowledge.

One year I went to the field and discovered logging operations in ten of the 12 areas I hunted. I had to scramble but I still got an elk and a couple deer.

Chasing canned trophies is nothing to be proud of.
Greenhorn--they may do that, but I told them I'd ask for them, knowing that I'd get some grief from some guys.

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