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Have any of you ever shot one? 500 Magnum or S&W 460

I actually love shooting the 460. I'm a glutton for punishment, I guess.

I'm planning a scope for it at some point, but I'm not sure how much the recoil will want to rip it apart.

The recoil is not much more than the 44 my friend owns because of the added weight of the heavier frame. The X frame revolvers are HEAVY. My 460 weighs 4.5 lbs empty. All the extra weight in the barrel being out front of the chamber helps with control.

The most I have shot with it in one day was around 50 factory rounds in 454 casull. I maybe shot 20-30 460s that day as well, but I was not beat up too bad. 45 colt with it is like firing a full size 9mm with little to no recoil at all. I would say the Casull round is more accurate for me, but the 460 is a statement.

I enjoy shooting the big revolvers as well. Recoil on the huge ones are not near as bad as the small automatics for example that I own. The weight and barrel length for sure help!

I will have to talk to @schmalts and find out about how the handgun scopes do with the huge loads.

That is a lot of shooting in one day but i guarantee you learned a ton about the gun and how it shot.
If it's allowed:

The video looks a lot like the recoil is on a 44 magnum. The fireball's are always pretty amazing. Neat to see your family doing it with you. My girls love when we have all the pistols out and shoot them. My youngest daughter (15) is EXTREMELY accurate with the 44 magnum shooting (44 special) ammo, and enjoys shooting 10mm and 45 ACP as well.
shot one alot and used to carry a 4in alot, it sits in the safe mostly now, 440gr hard cast at max velocity,,,,its a handful , shot a couple coyotes and deer , they didnt react like they were hit very hard, just pencil right thru,,,,,
The video looks a lot like the recoil is on a 44 magnum. The fireball's are always pretty amazing. Neat to see your family doing it with you. My girls love when we have all the pistols out and shoot them. My youngest daughter (15) is EXTREMELY accurate with the 44 magnum shooting (44 special) ammo, and enjoys shooting 10mm and 45 ACP as well.
My son claims he will never fire the 460, but he doesn't even blink with a 44 magnum in a CVA scout. I think he will be ready before long, but I will let him figure it out on his own.
I have a .460 topped off with a Burris 2x7 I believe and Warrne rings along with close to 300 rounds for sale. Fun gun, and I’ve killed a lot of deer with it. I located my unicorn though this summer so this one has to go.71468843626__45646BDD-FC8A-4EF7-9E37-B222515AF95D.jpeg
For the past 5 years of so Murdoch's has had a demo day at our range where they invite representatives from the firearms industry so the public can talk directly to the reps and shoot or try their products.

As a club board member I have helped coordinate with Murdoch's and have attended this 2 day event. I have shot both the 500 and 460 S&W at these events, along with a .50 BMG. They were all fun to shoot, but I'm happy with my Ruger and S&W .44 Mag pistols and I don't want a .50 BMG, so I don't see me buying any of them.
Shot a 500 with 4" barrel. The recoil was stout but controllable - but the worst part was the muzzle blast from the brake. The sudden burst of pressure is hard to even describe - cant imagine how loud itd be without ear pro.

Think youd get a lot more utility out of a 460. Could have light loads such as low pressure 45 lc, 454 casull, and then 460 when you really want a racecar. 50 cal bullets would be hard to come by and so would factory ammo for a 500.
I shot one and I though it recoils a lot less than that Ruger 480 my buddy had. I hated that pistol.

I have a 480 Ruger SR, 7 1/2 inch barrel. I never felt it recoiled much worse than my 629 44 mag with 4 inch barrel. I have never fired the 460 or 500 Smith's. I do not care to pack around the 480 Ruger finding it bulky and heavy. The Smith rides much nicer on my hip. 300 grain hard cast semi wadcutter loads in the 44 do all I need in a sidearm.
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