Field Testing My S and W Model 657 in 41 Magnum

Mustangs Rule

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2021
A revolver with a 6” barrel was new to me. I had set a 4” or less limit, as w/ with my S &W model’s 60, 13 ,15, and 629 in 44 mag,

But I wanted new handgun territory, a “horse pistol”, a double action wilderness revolver, but I didn’t want any single action.

My purpose was a handgun I could take when riding in wilderness preseason scouting for deer and elk.

My hunting partner, who did 2 tours as a deep recon Ranger in Vietnam, has only two handguns.

One is a short barreled stainless Ruger 5 shot 357 and the other a S & W 657 41mag with a 6” barrel. His reports have been glowing with the 41.

When I saw a used but sweet 657 on the internet, I bough it instantly and my friend sent me brass, bullets, loaded ammo plus his custom shot loads Like his, mine was a dream to shoot.

With an official 25 yard pistol target set at 25 yards, I kept most in the 10 ring shooting double action only off hand. At 50- 65 yards, shooting single action from the bench groups were under 4”, and the shot loads had a serviceable pattern out to 25-30 feet.

I got an A.E. Nelson basket weave top strap holster.

Oh, this is important!

Horses only approve of 6 guns. They will try to buck you off and fart at you if you carry an auto-loader.

Yippy Kay Aye!

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