Kenetrek Boots

Have any of you ever shot one? 500 Magnum or S&W 460

Fella I used to hunt with had one. Fun toy. Too heavy and bulky for me to carry.
I shot 20+ rounds out of one at camp one time trying to blow an old stump apart. The next morning, my hand was black and blue.

True @Slm864 My guess is that there is not a 500 magnum "special" like we have for the 44 magnum. It is nice shooting the special load and ton and getting used to how the gun shoots, and then when the shot matters on an animal, that 1 magnum load is doable.

Now, the question is, did you blow the stump apart??????
Fella I used to hunt with had one. Fun toy. Too heavy and bulky for me to carry.

@howl, I agree, any of them are heavy. My brother makes custom leather holsters so if I end up getting something new (460 or 500), I would just give to him to craft me a rig to put it in.
When you're over the hill like me a big weight pulling at your lower back gets to be noticeable after a while. I eventually sold off anything bigger than an L-frame. Shoulder and chest rigs exist, but then so do light carbines and carry straps. Different strokes.

S&W 69 4" weighs about half and rides the belt fine. The short barrel limits velocity and recoil with it. I can lock mine down and run it on an 8" steel pretty quickly at short range.
True @Slm864 My guess is that there is not a 500 magnum "special" like we have for the 44 magnum. It is nice shooting the special load and ton and getting used to how the gun shoots, and then when the shot matters on an animal, that 1 magnum load is doable.

Now, the question is, did you blow the stump apart??????
It was down to the bare dirt. Only thing better would have been dynamite
S&W 460XVR yes scoping, yes have shot one before. Just like the cals not you see a lot of people have.
44 mag (12" barrel) that a friend of mine owns with my 460xvr (8 3/8" barrel) just below.

Completely different animals.

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@Pewpew82 Tell me more about the 460? In my previous experiences, i have owned and shot my 44 Super Redhawk for years and have loved how it shot. If you don't mind, tell me about your 460. When I shot that 500 Magnum that day at the range, it was not really overpowering, but I only shot like 5 shots, and was used the 44 magnum recoil. Because of my original post, and several people referencing the 460, I have looked into several YouTube videos on both, and even on ones comparing the 460 vs 500, and others doing 44 vs 460.
Thanks for your feedback/opinions.
S&W 460XVR yes scoping, yes have shot one before. Just like the cals not you see a lot of people have.

I have watched a couple videos of folks hunting with the 460XVR and them being scoped. That S&W 460XVR looks to be an awesome revolver. I have never shot a revolver scoped but looking forward to trying it.
Mine is the Ruger single 6 found extended nose solid core bear loads for it they are wicked. Pass threw 3 sinderblocks at 25 yards
I shot one and I though it recoils a lot less than that Ruger 480 my buddy had. I hated that pistol.
@Pewpew82 Tell me more about the 460? In my previous experiences, i have owned and shot my 44 Super Redhawk for years and have loved how it shot. If you don't mind, tell me about your 460. When I shot that 500 Magnum that day at the range, it was not really overpowering, but I only shot like 5 shots, and was used the 44 magnum recoil. Because of my original post, and several people referencing the 460, I have looked into several YouTube videos on both, and even on ones comparing the 460 vs 500, and others doing 44 vs 460.
Thanks for your feedback/opinions.
I actually love shooting the 460. I'm a glutton for punishment, I guess. I'm in the process of dialing a hand load for it that I actually like, but I have not been successful in hunting with it yet. I took it out last year and did not have anything big enough to take home while I had it. I carried it in a shoulder rig that I took apart and hung just the holster from my belt. I used it in a cross draw location with the grip toward my front.

I'm planning a scope for it at some point, but I'm not sure how much the recoil will want to rip it apart.

The recoil is not much more than the 44 my friend owns because of the added weight of the heavier frame. The X frame revolvers are HEAVY. My 460 weighs 4.5 lbs empty. All the extra weight in the barrel being out front of the chamber helps with control.

The most I have shot with it in one day was around 50 factory rounds in 454 casull. I maybe shot 20-30 460s that day as well, but I was not beat up too bad. 45 colt with it is like firing a full size 9mm with little to no recoil at all. I would say the Casull round is more accurate for me, but the 460 is a statement.

I have a youtube video of my first reaction, not sure if I can post here.

Oh.... it throws a HELL of a fireball.
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