Hard Questions for Mr. Newberg About Fouled Moose Kill, Season 8, Episode 1

I agree, all banned a$$hats should be sent to purgatory. (Mtnpriest, Reece, the stick bow guy, soon to be banned blazerbeam, etc)Their own little sub forum that does not show up on the new threads and they can’t post anywhere but purgatory. That way if we are having a bad day we can take a peek inside and see how good we actually have it! 😂
It should be called 'The Padded Room'.
I wonder if his nonprofit is a 501C3 (I think the most common)? Don't you need to be a 501C4 for political expenditures? Admittedly out of my knowledge base here, maybe someone else has better knowledge? That would be just too funny....
My board member and I will be contacting you via phone later, to clear up some allegations about some behavior that occurred on the sage grouse hunt.
Please call at 0400. If you didn’t know, I own a gym, it’s called Mountain Tactical Institute, I also have a website where you can get merchandise.

Anyways, please call at 0400, that’s when the lifts start, because I own a gym.
Please call at 0400. If you didn’t know, I own a gym, it’s called Mountain Tactical Institute, I also have a website where you can get merchandise.

Anyways, please call at 0400, that’s when the lifts start, because I own a gym.
12 oz. arm curls and 1oz. shot put?
Do you CrossFit at your gym, brah?
I dont think that 470 yards is unethical if you are practiced and effective at that distance. Was Randys shot unethical? I dont really know. Right now I am comfortable out to 500 and I would take a shot at that distance given I had a good rest and could steady.
Having said that I also believe if Randy is putting himself in the public eye like he has he needs to be prepared for hard questions. That is just part of being in leadership. If a person starts a forum they should understand that not everone will share the same opinions as them. Yes the forum owner has the right to ban anyone that disagrees with them I suppose but that is cowardice to do so. That seems to be part of the cancel culture mentality, just discredit and do away with those that can think for themselves or have a different view. I have noticed on this forum that Randy can make a basic post and get many likes simply because Randy is the cool kid in class and this is his forum. Whereas if someone else made the same post it would not get near as many likes because it wasn't Randys post. I appreciate everything Randy does for hunting and conservation but he placed himself in the position he is in and with that people will disagree with him and at times challenge him with questions. Randy needs to be willing to face the questions in a respectful manner without bullying his way through by banning those he doesnt agree with and without his supporters coming to his rescue for brownie points. I am not accusing Randy of any of the above mentioned possibilities I trust that Randy will handle this in a respectful fashion.
I agree being in the public eye comes with some hard situations and difficult questions to answer to. I do not agree that it is cowardice to remove someone who only has the intent to stir the pot and place others under a microscope.

There have been plenty of people who do not agree with Randy's opinions and they do not get suspended or removed. Be respectful when disagreeing and guard your words from sounding contemptuous, do those things and you most likely will not be kicked off any forum....just sayin, respectfully.
Excellent lesson in how to ensure no one donates to your nonprofit. What an idiot.
You pack fruit beers and gordita crunches in your food kit bruh?
Negative, brotato chip!

Gordita crunches are full of GMOs and I don't drink alcohol for no particular reason other than the sense of superiority it gives me.

You should follow my IG @MtnPrstCuisine where I post my top 25 list of celebrity chefs who are killing the cooking industry.

Hmmm, well if that's the case, then I should let you know that your wife tells me that everything lasts longer than you do.

Ok, well then if we're doing that: you need to lay off the twinkies by the looks of your profile pic. You are fat.

And I only say these things because I'm just sticking to relevant things and calling a spade a spade.

Once again another stupid FER
Negative, brotato chip!

Gordita crunches are full of GMOs and I don't drink alcohol for no particular reason other than the sense of superiority it gives me.

You should follow my IG @MtnPrstCuisine where I post my top 25 list of celebrity chefs who are killing the cooking industry.

Wtf happened to YOU BRUH! You woke now?

We were supposed to be boarder bruhs.

Write me back please, remember your true colours....


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