Caribou Gear Tarp

Hard Questions for Mr. Newberg About Fouled Moose Kill, Season 8, Episode 1

He is sure a heavy hitter with 355 followers. Randy and Cam better watch out. Wonder how many followers she has
I am going to miss his hunter rankings. Was hoping for an update and more metrics like average range shot at, positive effect on wildlife management and ability to handle ass-mountains i think how the new term goes.
Randy you handled this way better than I ever could have.
Whatcha gonna do? Reach out to Mountain Rob and question our unusual elk tag drawing records?

My draw applications and who's in my party are my business, sir!!!
He'll go FOIA on your a$$ since he's a non-profit and needs to know who you apply with. By non-profit I mean it's a business that doesn't earn a profit.

I'm about to reach out to Rob and ask why his PR's are so low on his lifts. Maybe he's not getting enough lean protein like what one would get from eating elk because he's spent so much time trolling that he doesn't have enough time to actually hunt?
Wonder what his PR is on "Rifle Rob Shauls". You gotta be pretty cool to name an exercise after yourself. You also gotta be pretty cool to list a couple hundred useless exercises on your website, none of which are needed to get strong. Great way to prance around with weights and waste a lot of time.
The idea of “ethical” shots is absurd. You’re trying to kill something. Even a botched kill is usually quicker than nature. When an animal dies in nature, it dies of starvation, dehydration, exposure, disease or predation, none of which are comfortable for the animal.

Did Randy intentionally torture the animal? Nope. Did he fire a shot that may have hit the animal and then fail to follow up or make a diligent search? Nope. Did he take a shot that risked the safety of someone else? Nope. Those are the only measures of an “ethical” shot that I accept.

I would rub me the wrong way a little, if after that, Randy decided to get on his high horse and dress down someone else for the shot they took in an attempt to hang a tag on an animal.
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Perhaps, thee gentelmen is a transplant from the intelligent state of, let's see, I believe it starts with a "c"
I did go to his website and read.
I did see where the Judge questioned his motivation.
Jackson Hole, let me see, last time I was there I got the feeling I was on "Rodao Drive"
Might be a "Mind Set"
Mr. Newberg did Handel it with Class.
But yet an "Asshole is still, just a Asshole"
Keep the Faith Randy, success is the most rewarding thing😘
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