Caribou Gear Tarp

Handling camp expenses when you bought most of the equipment

I guess I'm pretty lucky, The guys I hunt with all pay their fair share or more. If I pay a little more on one trip they always make sure to get more than even on the next.
Tis a cold hard fact that on the day you have pack animals and all the cool back country toys you will have more "friends" than the day before. The most valuable thing you own is YOUR INVITATION...

"I know he won't fit in the tent for sleeping but I like my BIL and he's coming with me"... well he might be coming with YOU but not with me! Use you invite like a club if need be. But it's a lot easier to just split actual expenses and blow off the long term capital stuff if that is the only issue otherwise.
Pretty much what others have said. We split fuel. Usually we figure out how many meals we will have and are each responsible to bring/make so many. As far as vehicle maintenance goes. I drive one year/trip, somebody else does the next one, etc... since I really only hunt with one person, and his son or my daughters, it's up to the two of us.
Could be worse. My 2014 trip, one of my employees (that was broke all the time) decided he wanted to tag along with me for my archery elk hunt as a spectator. I was fine with it and didn't expect home to pitch in for fuel because he wasn't hunting and I knew he was broke. I DID however expect him to pitch in for food. We truck camped with a wall tent and I provided all camping gear and also brought quite a bit of meat and other food from home (I didn't not expect to be reimbursed for this) to save money. We stopped for lunch along the way and we each bought our own meals. We stopped in Pagosa and he bought a souvenir mug and we went to dinner before going grocery shopping. As the waitress took his bank card to pay for his meal he says "Well, that's the last of my money." I was absolutely stunned. How do you go on a week-long out of state trip with not even enough money to last you the first day? I paid for all the groceries and ended up having to "loan" him meal money for the trip home. I finally got that money back when I held it out how his last paycheck several months later when he quit.

Some people just do not have the same ethics as the rest of us. I wouldn't;t expect any reimbursement for camping or hunting gear. Sure, it would be nice of they offered to help offset some of your other expenses but I wouldn't count on it. If they are hunting I would absolutely expect them to pay their share of food and fuel!!!
It really depends on your expectations and what was discussed when you guys started planning the hunt. I know most have said to split the costs equally but I normally do things a little differently. I'm by far better off financially than most of my hunting buddies. I tend to invite people to go on trips with me and only ask them to pay the difference of any costs. I plan trips where I'm going regardless of anyone else going so by having a buddy attend its normally just company for me and someone to share the experience with. So for example, if the cost of going by myself is $1K and the cost of me and a buddy is $1250 than I only ask them to pay the extra $250. That way they get to do hunts that they cant normally afford and i get to share the experience with people I enjoy being around.

Regardless of how you approach it, I would definitely discuss it in advance of the trip. Money can drive a huge wedge between friends when people feel slighted so if these are indeed friends, I would just ask them to discuss it and come up with a plan everyone can agree to.
I am really lucky to have the hunting buddies I do. I am the "newbie" in the group at 5 years in camp. Everyone in our camp, with the exception of one guy's father, is either retired or former military so we have a pretty standard set of what "right " looks like. One guy has the tent and stove, another has the kitchen set up and we set a menu and spilt the food purchase accordingly. Everyone has their own sleeping gear and we each bring incidentals (chainsaw w/gas, tools, I have an ice fishing sled that makes a great drag, etc). We are clear about expectations and are typically militarily blunt. I love the fact that we head to camp and there is really no anxiety about that stuff. One thing I will add for thought is that my buddy is considering a new Davis Tent (we are currently in an old mil surplus tent). As we have a set camp every year(and do other hunts here and there together) I have offered to kick in a couple of bucks toward the tent as well. My "portion" you might say.

If you guys are serious about buying from Davis, they have 2 great sales during the new year. Their 1st sale is typically the Sportsmans Show specials. Typically a 14x16 with a couple cots, and a stove. Pretty decent price. The other sale is their Scratch and Dent sale that starts late Jan and runs through the late winter. Most of these are odd size tents or tents that get dirty. We picked up a 14x16(Actually 13.5 x 15.5) in green versus white canvas for $625. With the biggest wood stove and Traditional pole set up, just barely went over 1k. They are phenomenal to work with especially their CS.

As to expenses, I can't add much. We split all consumables/food. Most times my partners make sure there is extra as their thanks for the wear and tear on equipment. The only thing I ask other than that, is for them to at least help with the before and after loading/unloading of equipment.
We are regulars at the show :) He almost pulled the trigger this year but had a relative "borrow" some money without permission from him that dented his $$$. I am thinking he will go ahead at the show this year. I have never heard a bad word about those folks for sure!!

If you guys are serious about buying from Davis, they have 2 great sales during the new year. Their 1st sale is typically the Sportsmans Show specials. Typically a 14x16 with a couple cots, and a stove. Pretty decent price. The other sale is their Scratch and Dent sale that starts late Jan and runs through the late winter. Most of these are odd size tents or tents that get dirty. We picked up a 14x16(Actually 13.5 x 15.5) in green versus white canvas for $625. With the biggest wood stove and Traditional pole set up, just barely went over 1k. They are phenomenal to work with especially their CS.

As to expenses, I can't add much. We split all consumables/food. Most times my partners make sure there is extra as their thanks for the wear and tear on equipment. The only thing I ask other than that, is for them to at least help with the before and after loading/unloading of equipment.
Missed the last few years of this show. Think I'll need to make the trek this year. Good luck on your tent purchase as well as your fall hunts.
I have an elk hunt in 4 weeks and am the only hunter.

My brother and my nephew will be my team. My nephew will supply the 5th wheel and vehicle. Also, an immense amount of knowledge. Brother will supply his back and the same amount of knowledge. I have been on elk hunts, but have never hunted myself.

I am 64 and brother is 68. Nephew (actually niece's husband) is approaching 50. I was looking at motels.

Nephew offered 5th wheel and no brainer.

Dropped off cash last weekend for his expenses over his protests. What I would have spent on motels and meals went to him. He is also camp cook, so money for food.

Only fair way to handle it!
When the time comes be sure to let me know and we can meet up at the show....maybe get a group of HTers to roam around and cause havoc!!
Missed the last few years of this show. Think I'll need to make the trek this year. Good luck on your tent purchase as well as your fall hunts.
I guess I'm lucky (and old). Me and my two hunting buddies have been together so long that now we usually argue about who gets to pay. Never really been a problem for the 3 of us. Seems like it just always works out.
Here was my favorite from last year....if I ever come across an EXTRA 40K


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I have my gear and an extra set of loaner gear to outfit whoever I might invite. It's hard to find people willing and able to go on a 10 day or 2-3 week adventure to New Zealand, Hawaii, or Alaska, and if I required that they have the same quality equipment that I have nobody would ever go with me.
Having loaner gear makes it easier to find a partner ( to the kiwis, partner means mate in yankee talk ) I have invited internet friends and customers ( I'm a taxidermist ) and have made great friendships with some and others will never be invited again.

I loan all the gear necessary and each person pays for their own baggage fees. If there is a bag of gear that is shared, then the baggage fee is split for that piece. Of course all shared expenses are split equally: car rental, hotel, fuel, groceries.

In December I'm outfitting a new friend and we will be hunting/camping on the Alaska Peninsula. I'm not going to ask him to split the baggage fee for the kayak because I was planning on going solo anyways, just glad to find someone willing to join me that doesn't require a hotel.


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I invited a guy out to WY to hunt elk, and he actually thought we should split the cost of his tag...

Um, nope.
I've got 1 hunting partner that ive hunted with for a while now. We split consumable expenses as well as any meat. I get an elk, he gets half and vice versa.

I invited a couple new guys on a hunt this year and laid it out to them that this is how expenses would be handled and if they didn't like it, they were uninvited. I put it that bluntly too.

Worked out very well for all of us this year but I make sure I know who I am inviting as well. I guess you could say I'll have need to known you well for at least 10 years before you're hunting with me.
Interesting anecdote about hunting "partners" happened to me this year as well. Even more so when its your FIL for over 20 years.

He's hinted and almost begged to go hunting with my crew over the years due to not having any success with his group most years. Long story short, a month ago he turned in a 4th season buck tag that my daughter also drew, as he was afraid it was going to be cold and snowy...... Needless to say, no more invites from me.
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