GunBroker sales tax

Yup, his end was only the transfer. I got my bucks back and I'll find another FFL next time I need to get something transferred.
FWIW dealers do not charge tax. States charge tax, dealers or places like GB, eBay, etc. merely collect it.
It was an interesting morning. The FFL Guy meets me with smiles and my $86.00! He hands it over saying even though he's right he doesn't want any issues. I brought a complete email string from GB laying it out step by step as why he wasn't required to collect taxes. He wouldn't buy it! He's still adamant that he has to collect the tax. Oh well! I got my money back and my new rifle from him with smiles and thanks.
You know him and believe him to be honest. It sounds like he realized his mistake but was too embarrassed to admit it. Poor guy lost a customer even after turning the money because he let his price get in the way. That’s an EASY thing to do. I hate eating my words. Hate, hate, hate it. Sometimes you gotta do it I reckon.

You sure handled it well! And you definitely can’t do business with him again under the current understanding. He expects you to believe that if you have him transfer another firearm that you have to pay double tax, for force him to loose money on the deal. Neither of those is acceptable.
From my side it was very easy to see where the mistake lay. I don't believe that he had ever just handled the transfer of a gun sold from gun broker. The smart thing to have done would be to have sent him the GB listing and have him do the purchase if he was able to.
The FFL I use now will order a new rifle after I pay for it. If I buy a used rifle from ANYWHERE, we have agreed that I would handle the purchase and he would handle the transfer. It works for both of us
Caribou Gear

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