Yeti GOBOX Collection


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It's decriminalized. Only on Federal Land can the Fed step in. Believe me, on National Forest lands we've had to battle this issue since Pot got legalized. It's not legal on Federal Land or campgrounds. It's a constant battle. But it will not be prosecuted on a State level at all.
What exactly is the battle? It's okay to go sit down and drink a bottle of Jack on federal land, but when I smoke a reefer it's a problem?
Tillamook is the best Cheddar Cheese on this Earth. Been eating it my entire life. Their ice cream is outstanding as well.
Their consistency is actually remarkable 👏.
Careful though I hear that a few Democrats also like cheese.

Tillamook Creamery - Posts | Facebook
The factory tour was Fantastic ... visitor numbers carefully, and require all guests to wear a face mask during their ... Our Creamery team will be serving a hot meal at the Tillamook County ...

Rating 4.5

Probably better stay away Patriot!
What exactly is the battle? It's okay to go sit down and drink a bottle of Jack on federal land, but when I smoke a reefer it's a problem?
You brought up federal vs state. I was just clarifying. When the state legalizing something like Pot for example, that doesn't make it legal on Federal land. Much of the public doesn't understand this difference. So educating them on it, is a constant battle. They can and will be sited on Federal land. Decriminalizing hard drugs like Heroin, will have a similar effect as far as confusion with state and federal law.

Also, there are many folks who would never try something illegal, anything that opens doors to the possible increased use of hard drugs is something I am very against. Decriminalizing them does just that. Especially with potential negative impacts on the youth.
Their consistency is actually remarkable 👏.
Careful though I hear that a few Democrats also like cheese.

Tillamook Creamery - Posts | Facebook
The factory tour was Fantastic ... visitor numbers carefully, and require all guests to wear a face mask during their ... Our Creamery team will be serving a hot meal at the Tillamook County ...

Rating 4.5

Probably better stay away Patriot!
Growing up with Tillamook no need to pay the high factory prices :) Tour is nice for tourist. I hear Democrats only like Vegan cheese and they will inventing more to save the cow. Tillamook will be gone soon. STOCK UP NOW :)
Growing up with Tillamook no need to pay the high factory prices :) Tour is nice for tourist. I hear Democrats only like Vegan cheese and they will inventing more to save the cow. Tillamook will be gone soon. STOCK UP NOW :)
Thats not the point they are taking our freedom!
As an Oregonian I'm curious about your take on the occupation of the Malheur wildlife refuge?
You brought up federal vs state. I was just clarifying. When the state legalizing something like Pot for example, that doesn't make it legal on Federal land. Much of the public doesn't understand this difference. So educating them on it, is a constant battle. They can and will be sited on Federal land. Decriminalizing hard drugs like Heroin, will have a similar effect as far as confusion with state and federal law.

Also, there are many folks who would never try something illegal, anything that opens doors to the possible increased use of hard drugs is something I am very against. Decriminalizing them does just that. Especially with potential negative impacts on the youth.
So, how's the battle on tobacco and alcohol going? Those have any potential negative impacts on youth?

Just curious, and asking for a friend.
You brought up federal vs state. I was just clarifying. When the state legalizing something like Pot for example, that doesn't make it legal on Federal land. Much of the public doesn't understand this difference. So educating them on it, is a constant battle. They can and will be sited on Federal land. Decriminalizing hard drugs like Heroin, will have a similar effect as far as confusion with state and federal law.

Also, there are many folks who would never try something illegal, anything that opens doors to the possible increased use of hard drugs is something I am very against. Decriminalizing them does just that. Especially with potential negative impacts on the youth.
I have a pretty good understanding of the difference between state and federal law, but thank you for the clairification.

A few further points of clarification:

1) The feds don't have to cite/charge them, and the DOJ can choose to take a hands off approach in states that have legalized and/or decriminalized certain drugs.
2) Confusion is certainly an issue, as evidenced by the origin of this thread.
3) Marijuana has never been proven to be a gateway drug any more than alcohol, yet we revel in a society that promotes booze ad nauseum.
4) Decriminalizing them does not promote them, it merely alleviates the burden on our justice system.
5) We've already made steps to remove mandatory prison sentences for drug use, furthering this be decriminalizing allows our justice system to devote more time and resources to crimes that directly affect others.
As a Biden voter, I'll be there, fighting against gun bans.

I don't see a big sea change happening on guns, even if the Dems take the senate. Their hold on power is too tenuous, and blue-dog dems won't go for it. The tilt too far left during the 20 election should be a wide-eyed shock for the party, but they're dems, so we'll see.

More importantly though, I'm going to try that soy marinade @pointingdogsrule put up. I love soy sauce based brines for birds, and this looks absolutely delicious. Thanks for the recipe!

The politicians care what we think after we vote for them? Imagine how that would be! o_O
Thats not the point they are taking our freedom!
As an Oregonian I'm curious about your take on the occupation of the Malheur wildlife refuge?
I was against the occupation of the Malheur wildlife refuge. I don't believe things like that are effective. Similar, I don't believe burning cities and businesses are effective. That's just me though.
I missed a buck really similar to that one on the far right in MT, but it was hard horned. STill hurts. Sigh. THANKS BIDEN! *shaking fist*
I missed this one after waiting 6hrs for him to stand up at 30yds. Buck fever. lucky for me he found himself grazing 10 yards below a cliff edge I was on that evening.
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