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Yes and that is why in the next 18 months we are moving to Wyoming. I'm done paying taxes for this madness and I no desire to live in a state that legalized Heroin. My goal now is the find a state that won't flip Liberal before I die (estimate next 35 years). Once I go to my great demise, it won't matter :)
Be careful moving to Wyoming.
Kanye west, Jimmy Chin and @rwc101 live there, Jackson’s hole’s overrun with gappers flashing ikon passes and it’s really getting to where it’s gonna start going to Hell!!!
While I'm still very pissed, I need to try not be filled with frustration (it's not healthy). That said. It's very hard for me as I literally have zero in common with most on the other side of the aisle (except for living in this country). I think I'm more sad and disappointed than anything. I need to move on myself and just put politics in the rearview. Planning our move to Wyoming is part of that. We are going to leave behind this state I grew up in and just start over.

The same could be said for them. They have little in common with you and they have EVERY much the right to vote as anybody else. The left side of the aisle has garnered more voters in the presidential elections 7 of the last 8 elections. Maybe just maybe, some of them are frustrated(to use your word) that twice that resulted in a president they did not want.

Also it is impossible to put politics in the rearview, politics is how we settle differences within a society. What has really hurt this country is that the willingness to compromise has become a dirty word on both side of the aisle. No one can reasonably expect to get their way all the time on everything.

Good luck on your move to Wyoming.
This is my concern . I have no medical proof but I honestly believe someone else or a group of someone else's will be making the decisions and that President-Elec Biden will be or possibly already is a trojan horse. This gentleman is not the man he was in the past, even when he was V-P, but definitely not who he was when in the Senate. If the Senate dont flip that will help, as the Senate can protect any move to "pack" the Supreme Court. It is also possible that in two years the house might flip as well, since the Democrats did not pick up as many seats as they had hoped, but still have control, at this time.

As to "accepting", I too am a little amazed by this push of "we must all get behind our new President" Where has that attitude been for the last four years ?

For the sake of my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren I certainly hope we dont go down the same path Argentina and others have gone down. As to following along blindly, loyally, and quietly --look no further back in history than 1933-1938 Germany. Nobody just went out one day and rounded up all the Jews, it took years of convincing people it was the right thing to do as well as convincing all the Jews to register so they would know where they were.

We are no where near anything like that, but stay vigilant on all issues as the most important thing, a least to me, is AMERICA and what it is has been and can be, not this president or even the next one, but our country and what it is and what it stands for. God Bless America !

I will continue to tell those in my family that they must work for what they want. The Govt does now OWE them anything, but the freedom to be become all they can be and to do what they want to do and with enough hard work they can reach whatever their goal is.

I bet the four gentlemen who ask me to respond are now sorry they did ;)

I also wonder where Mr and Mrs Fin are at, as I didn't expect this thread to last this long

As to food, Last night I had excellent Escargot a" la Bourgigonne . Unfortunately I have been told that my wine days are coming to an end, health wise---now, THAT, is a REAL problem !!!!
Very well said! Thank you
It's very hard for me as I literally have zero in common with most on the other side of the aisle (except for living in this country).
That is the single biggest crock and mistake an honest citizen can make. there is WAY MORE in common than not in this country. But that's not what the media or politicians want you to think. They thrive on the "war" of good vs evil (both sides). If you believe you don't have anything in common with people that don't share your political affiliation than I suggest to keep that "New Member" title and look for another forum.
That is the single biggest crock and mistake an honest citizen can make. there is WAY MORE in common than not in this country. But that's not what the media or politicians want you to think. They thrive on the "war" of good vs evil (both sides). If you believe you don't have anything in common with people that don't share your political affiliation than I suggest to keep that "New Member" title and look for another forum.
Both sides are filled with sheep who have picked their flock.
The same could be said for them. They have little in common with you and they have EVERY much the right to vote as anybody else. The left side of the aisle has garnered more voters in the presidential elections 7 of the last 8 elections. Maybe just maybe, some of them are frustrated(to use your word) that twice that resulted in a president they did not want.

Also it is impossible to put politics in the rearview, politics is how we settle differences within a society. What has really hurt this country is that the willingness to compromise has become a dirty word on both side of the aisle. No one can reasonably expect to get their way all the time on everything.

Good luck on your move to Wyoming.
Yep. They have NOTHING in common with me. I have ZERO desire to burn down cities, destroy businesses and shot innocent people. Hell they even killed their at a Biden celebration gathering... Unreal.

Also, I love the popular vote debate. Keep in mind how many more would vote on ALL sides if popular vote was the only deciding factor. We will never know what a true popular vote would result in. All states would then be in play and campaigning time dollars would be spent differently. The goal is to win the Electoral College in the current system. So it would be foolish to waste time in states like California with the current setup. California the is the difference in popular vote at this point so it would be interesting to see a Popular vote only election.

If the Popular vote decided the presidency then I could see it being frustrating if the presidency was giving to someone who lost that vote. That is not the case. Of course many will keep drinking the Kool-Aid since it's so available :)
That is the single biggest crock and mistake an honest citizen can make. there is WAY MORE in common than not in this country. But that's not what the media or politicians want you to think. They thrive on the "war" of good vs evil (both sides). If you believe you don't have anything in common with people that don't share your political affiliation than I suggest to keep that "New Member" title and look for another forum.
This is very, very true.
Sourdough recipe huh? I have my own, but I'm interested in what you're doing.

  • 230g starter
  • 200g water
  • 500g flour
  • 40g olive oil
  • 15g salt
This is my basic recipe for one loaf, usually baked with a splash of water inside a dutch oven in the over at 425. I modify the water/oil/flour ratio if I want to make something like a pizza crust or baguette or something. Occasionally I'll sub in milk or butter if I want something more similar to a sandwich bread instead of a crusty loaf and bake it on a stone or loaf pan.

I'm still waiting on more recipes!!!
That is the single biggest crock and mistake an honest citizen can make. there is WAY MORE in common than not in this country. But that's not what the media or politicians want you to think. They thrive on the "war" of good vs evil (both sides). If you believe you don't have anything in common with people that don't share your political affiliation than I suggest to keep that "New Member" title and look for another forum.

That is the single biggest crock and mistake an honest citizen can make. there is WAY MORE in common than not in this country. But that's not what the media or politicians want you to think. They thrive on the "war" of good vs evil (both sides). If you believe you don't have anything in common with people that don't share your political affiliation than I suggest to keep that "New Member" title and look for another forum.
Lol. Oh so honesty isn't allowed. Interesting. I have no interest in war. That is what has been going on in the biggest city in my state (Portland). It's looks like a waste land in many areas. Yet the folks in charge and the folks destroying it are all on the same side. So that's confusing. Who are they really fighting?

I have every right to want to get my wife and child out of a state that accepts this type of behavior. I've lived here my entire life and destroying cities and legalizing heroin is no place I want to be any longer. I do not apologize for that, nor should anyone have too.

This country is divided and it's ok to acknowledge as sad as that is. Would I love for it to be more together? Yes. That said, the list of fundamental differences is many. I AGREE the media and politicians divide us even more. I'll be staying in this forum, but feel free to look for a different forum yourself. Unless I'm missing something. Freedom of speech is still ok?
Not as fancy as sourdough, but an easy bread recipe I make.

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups hot water
  • Let rise for 3 hours
Optional: Pinch of rosemary and/or freshly minced garlic.
Bake at 450 for 40 minutes in a pre-heated Dutch oven. Bake longer uncovered for a few minutes longer if the top isn't golden.
As soon as Grandpa Joe is declared the winner, your 401K is going in for a swirly...
Uhh, wait... I just saw something...

If the Dow goes up more than a 1K points on the 1st day he’s declared the winner, what else may be, if not a lie, than at least, hyperbolic BS?
Isn't this a hunting forum and were talking about GUN BANS or wtf happened here?????

BTW does anyone have a decent cupcake recipe?
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Also- made a great omelette this morning:
3, farm fresh
Diced bacon
Tilamook Sharp cheddar

small portion of fruit salad.
Nice little Monday.

I think Tilamook is an underrated dairy, honestly. They are consistent & provide a good quality product.

I'll internet fight anyone who says otherwise.

Also, I miss my daily ration of bacon, but the doc says I'll get the pancreatitis again if I resume daily pork consumption. So I live vicariously through you.
I think Tilamook is an underrated dairy, honestly. They are consistent & provide a good quality product.

I'll internet fight anyone who says otherwise.

Also, I miss my daily ration of bacon, but the doc says I'll get the pancreatitis again if I resume daily pork consumption. So I live vicariously through you.

Recently tried their ice cream. GOOD stuff.
Taking an election by force would be as bad as taking one by cheating both would be the end of our great system.
It won't happen. The election is over. Biden won. Most accept that even on the right. I'm simply saying the Civil War subject that is brought up off and on, won't happen. The fact that one side would dominate the arms race is just one reason why it would never happen. If one side could take Bush for 8 years with no Civil War and the other side could take Obama for 8 years with no Civil War, it's not going to happen. An election won't be and shouldn't ever be decided by force. That is not a country any of us want to live in. While I'm frustrated with the result, I can fully acknowledge Biden won and that it's over.
As soon as Grandpa Joe is declared the winner, your 401K is going in for a swirly...
Uhh, wait... I just saw something...

If the Dow goes up more than a 1K points on the 1st day he’s declared the winner, what else may be, if not a lie, than at least, hyperbolic BS?
It's responding to the Vaccine announcement as well (that came out today) and the hope that there will not be further lockdowns.
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