Yeti GOBOX Collection


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I think Tilamook is an underrated dairy, honestly. They are consistent & provide a good quality product.

I'll internet fight anyone who says otherwise.

Also, I miss my daily ration of bacon, but the doc says I'll get the pancreatitis again if I resume daily pork consumption. So I live vicariously through you.
Tillamook is the best Cheddar Cheese on this Earth. Been eating it my entire life. Their ice cream is outstanding as well.
I think Tilamook is an underrated dairy, honestly. They are consistent & provide a good quality product.

I'll internet fight anyone who says otherwise.

Also, I miss my daily ration of bacon, but the doc says I'll get the pancreatitis again if I resume daily pork consumption. So I live vicariously through you.
I’m here to eat all of the pork fat, if for no other reason, than to soothe your soul.
if you want a real treat, go with the extra long aged Tilamook extra sharp Cheddar, paired with a sweet fruit, like strawberries.
I’m here to eat all of the pork fat, if for no other reason, than to soothe your soul.
if you want a real treat, go with the extra long aged Tilamook extra sharp Cheddar, paired with a sweet fruit, like strawberries.

I buy some a couple times a year. It take some self-control to not just take bites out of it and eat it in one sitting. Also good with a slice of apple.
A fair response, but cannot overlook the sense of relief of even handed leadership, reasonable demeanor, and a measured tone has given a calming affect.
Considering that waking up each morning is a major task for him, "calming" is an understatement. It should also be noted there is nothing calm or even handed about the VP. The opposite actually.
You won't need your guns, the vegan agenda is already being implemented.
It's so funny when you look at the process of making that garbage. But good luck to them. I'll be eating meat with every meal as usual.
Considering that waking up each morning is a major task for him, "calming" is an understatement. It should also be noted there is nothing calm or even handed about the VP. The opposite actually.

Given her long record of prosecuting drug crimes, you should be stoked, she could have a heavy hand over what the Oregon just did.
Given her long record of prosecuting drug crimes, you should be stoked, she could have a heavy hand over what the Oregon just did
The key is crime. It's no longer a crime. CA, WA, CO, will be following right behind.
Given her long record of prosecuting drug crimes, you should be stoked, she could have a heavy hand over what the Oregon just did.
Insert leg up on her competition gif here.

Bring the fastball next time. ; )
Exactly. It's so hilarious. They spent 4 years trying to destroy Trump out of hate and lies.

8 years of Clinton, same.
8 years of Bush 2, same
8 years of Obama, same, but with steriods.
4 years of Trump, same but with meth & steroids.

Our politics are becoming far too tribal. I'm up for trying some of that old-fashioned Reagan style unity. We're Americans, not R or D.

1) It is not legalized.
2) It is still a federal crime.
3) Years of criminalized drug offenses have done nothing to reduce the use.
It's decriminalized. Only on Federal Land can the Fed step in. Believe me, on National Forest lands we've had to battle this issue since Pot got legalized. It's not legal on Federal Land or campgrounds. It's a constant battle. But it will not be prosecuted on a State level at all.
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