Kenetrek Boots

Guide to Poaching on Your ATV

Why, because the politicians are looting the funds for social programs, what else?
Look at what I almost missed.

Let me see here; we have outlaws, breaking laws, and an outcry to ban the legal uses.

I hear calls for stiffer laws, but has anybody read the write up about the albino cow moose in the Idaho Citizens Against Poaching trailer? That was a felony, and the guy got off with a misdemenor. Stiffer laws didn't help there.

Do you know where I left my closing statement back in december? It applys to Buzz in this instant.

Let's see, I checked with the big book of knowledge and found that Montana covers about 147,046 square miles, and if you divide that by the "70" game wardens that cover the state, I'm sure that the one investigating this group of criminals had nothing else happening in his approximately 2100 square mile area. Get real people.

These guys were using ATV's on closed ground - ILLEGAL.
Hunting at night with spotlights (whether plugged in or not) - ILLEGAL.
Killing more then they're limit - ILLEGAL.
Using rifles with silencers to commit a crime - ILLEGAL.

Where does the logic of outlawing ATV's fit in here? They were already breaking the law, and don't care what anybody else thinks. In this instance making it illegal to ride ATV's had already happened. Didn't seem to solve much there, did it.

Let's look at the possibility that if ATV riding had been LEGAL in the area. Maybe some LEGAL riders would have discovered the dead animals (more often), and been able to report it to the game warden, and he may have been able to solve this sooner (bullets, hides/hairs, tire tracks...).

These guys, it seems to me are not lazy, nor stupid. They had a plan, and evidently it worked for quite some time, and were aided by the fact that the area was closed.

Hey guys, I'll be back for a while.
Hey Great to see you back Ten..I was really starting to wonder what had happened...And very good post and point by the way...
WH,I don't remember the story's behind all the animal's but one was an albino moose that was poached.
This trailer is filled with animal's that have been taken illegally ,mounted and put on display.
It's taken to alot of the sport show's,archery shoot's.
There is a write up with them as to how they were taken,what happened to the poacher's.
Not stiff enough fine's is the topic I have heard any time I have stopped to look.
It real disgusting to see them and know that some scumb bag took these animal that could of been fair game to the legal hunter's out there.
I tried to find a link to the trailer but had no luck.
If I get some time I will try again as it's something to see.
It's a great learning tool when you can see up close what these illegal moron's do.
WH, seems this poacher knew of this albino cow moose (she had a normal colored calf), and he cut a deal with this other guy that wanted to make an albino moose mount. The poacher killed the cow for $400. Nobody knows what happened to her calf, but you can quess. Anyways the guy get charged with a felony (they CO's were saying any poached moose in idaho is a felony), but the prosecutor got the charges dropped down, and the poacher pleaded quilty for a smaller fine and misdemeanor charge.

They said the trailer will be in Spokane, WA for the Bighorn Sportsmans Show in March. I guess they keep it down south, and it travels to different shows in the region.
Funny, it looked pretty new for being ten years old. I'll look for the data plate when I'm at the show in Spokane next month to see when it was built. I bet the trailer I saw can't be more then two or three years old at the most.
We didn't have the trailer yet when I left. We were still trying to figure out where the $ would come from. The idea started long before the trailer moved to the top of the priority list. Do ya think somebody says, "Let's buy a trailer." and it happens the next day?
Then ya gotta figure out how to set it up, maintain it, schedule where it will be, pay for pulling it around, manning it, etc.

Why don't you get involved and learn something?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-09-2003 13:48: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> We didn't have the trailer yet when I left. We were still trying to figure out where the $ would come from. The idea started long before the trailer moved to the top of the priority list. Do ya think somebody says, "Let's buy a trailer." and it happens the next day? Then ya gotta figure out how to set it up, maintain it, schedule where it will be, pay for pulling it around, manning it, etc.

Why don't you get involved and learn something? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I didn't see that you had even mentioned to some one the process it took and the leangth of time to put it together. It seems to be almost impossible to be in every organization and know what is going on with every group out there....
Hell, let's all post what Ten was trying to post......he was complementing the shape of the trailer for being ten years old. He thought it was pretty impressive for a trailer of its age to look so nice.
Yup that was my take, definently complimenting the trailer,

Ithaca has a complex about getting caught in a lie
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> For those of you too stupid to comprehend what you're reading, here is what he said, "I bet the trailer I saw can't be more then two or three years old at the most. " <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I keep seeing this word "stupid" posted a lot here. I don't see any "stupid" people here, I just don't, no matter what is insinuated. What I do see, since these are all 2 dimensional posts, people reading some of them a little different than others, as this last post, in reality shows from the posts just above that one!!!
True Elkchsr, some generalized slams are getting thrown around some but atleast progress is being made. Animosities die hard. As long as we get to a level that most all can live with without being PC I'll be happy.
some people have Absolutly no sense of humor

life is to short to be serious all the time
"Hell, let's all post what Ten was trying to post......he was complementing the shape of the trailer for being ten years old. He thought it was pretty impressive for a trailer of its age to look so nice. "

Yep ,that's how I understood it.
Its just one more thing we can praise Ithaca for starting.
It just goes to show you how slow somethings are to get started.

Maybe Al Gore really did invent the internet.

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