Guide to Poaching on Your ATV

Elkhunter, nope ATV's are still one of the reasons those guys were so successful.

Buzz, the guns used were also one of the reasons those guys were so successful. So with this logic, in your own words, "I would like to see their use severely limited or banned all together for hunting."
Well, they probably wore clothes when they were poaching and that made them more successful too. They wouldn't have been able to stay out in the cold weather as long without clothes. So should we outlaw all clothes? Of course not.

But we can identify ATVs as something that has been added to the mix in recent years that has had a very detrimental effect on hunting in the many ways we have discussed here in SI. So their use should be severely restricted.

And anybody who thinks they can't hunt without an ATV can take up knitting.
Elkhunter, you can try to use whatever logic you want, twist what you want, etc.

We aint talking about guns, you are, I'm not.

I'm talking about ATV's and how they made that poaching ring successful. Its undeniable that it was one of the big reasons for their success. Thats all I'm implying. Argue if you want, but I'm not interested.

I'm not anti-gun, just anti-ATV.

Like I said, "I am consistant, atv's have no place in hunting, IMO."
Alright BuzzH if we aren't talking about guns in all this mix with poaching then take away there guns an tell me how many animals they can poach.

Sound like to me you are a iron head activist who has tunnel vision. The way you tell it ATV's have been poaching all by their self.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-02-2003 10:50: Message edited by: MEATHEAD ]</font>
Observational question: I've forgotten, who was it that was saying in one of the earlier threads that ATV hunters never get anything but dinks because of their machines? It seems THESE ATV hunters got enough trophies to make it worth their while.

And while I'm asking inflammatory questions, what does this topic have to do with hunting, anyway? These wingnuts weren't hunting. 'A' doesn't apply to 'B,' and I think that using this incident as justification for banning ATV's from legitimate hunting is reaching, pure and simple. There are a few reasonable arguments for doing so, but this ain't one of them.
Meathead, call it what you want.

Believe me, there is going to be major restrictions on ATV's coming real soon. So while you argue with symantics on the net, ATV use is being limited more and more.

Darren I agree, it isnt the main reason, but it is another reason.

ATV's will be banned or severely restricted in the West real soon, and rightfully so...I win.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-02-2003 12:52: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
You win because you are looking thur that tunnel again.And you forgot to tell me how many deer were poached by a ATV.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> ATV's will be banned or severely restricted in the West real soon, and rightfully so...I win. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
So what do you win???
Is there some contest out there that I haven't heard of!!! I want to know!!! LMAO!!! Buzz, you’re a crack up!!!

This isn't about winning or losing, it is about learning, and getting needed info that we all can use. There is so many different ideals out there, that one needs to glean the info pertinent to them and move on...
"I win"… That is just a silly comment on this forum!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Elkchsr, you probably dont know the definition of winner, perhaps because you're a loser?

Just an observation, nothing more.
I wish some of you guys would wake up and smell the coffee.

There are rulses to the business of hunting, and some people don't play by these rules and end up with an advantage. This really pisses alot of ya off. Sorry to be the one to tell you, but in everything, there are people that don't play by the rules; and most of it is about money: cards, basketball, politics, softmoney, hunting, powertrips...... Its life, the only advice for ya is be true to yourself, and others will know that.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lostagain:
Its life, the only advice for ya is be true to yourself, and others will know that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I applaud that statement LA

If you want the ATV's off write your people in charge(Whoever) and if ya want them to stay in use be active in that pursuit.
Buzz don't you at least think ATV's should be allowed anywhere a car, pickup, jeep, etc. are allowed? I agree they definitely shouldn't be allowed off road, but why can't they go where a jeep can go? I don't own one but could see myself using one in some areas just so I don't beat up my $32,000 truck. Say there's a real rough, rocky road going 5 to 10 miles (or more) into an area you want to hunt. Wouldn't it be better to take an ATV rather then a nice new 4 wheel drive pickup? It would use a lot less gas too, and isn't that a good thing for the environment? I sure wouldn't have a problem outlawing ATV's on trails or behind closed gates. Seems here in western Washington there is an ATV trail around just about every closed gate. Now aren't those gates there for a reason? Seems that people think as long as they can get around it on their ATV it's ok to be there. Sucks for guys who like walking in to hunt, you never know when an ATV rider is going to come cruising right on by and you may have already been walking in for an hour (in the dark.) So I say let them go anywhere they could go anyway with their pickup, but nowhere else, at least during hunting season.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-03-2003 21:33: Message edited by: Washington Hunter ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I sure wouldn't have a problem outlawing ATV's on trails or behind closed gates. Seems here in western Washington there is an ATV trail around just about every closed gate. Now aren't those gates there for a reason? Seems that people think as long as they can get around it on their ATV it's ok to be there. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
I think most everyone on here and most everywhere would agree with you WH. Yes the gates are there for a reason, but ATVs can not read so what good are Closed To All Motorized Vehicle signs good for? It clearly states, plain and simple, to the ATV that it is not allowed to pass beyond it but these ATVs are real smart like and already know that nothing will be done to them if they go beyond it.
It is a lack of enforcing the rules and laws already in place.
So instead of enforcing the laws, Buzz would much rather have them totally banned totally.
Don't matter if some break the rules and others abide by them. Get rid of them all.
So the question is why should we correct the problem or try to correct the problem when all we need to do is outlaw every ATV there is.
My take is that by allowing atv's to be totally banned you are setting a precedence for the next step which would be guns.
If you can make the argument that the poachers were able to do what they did because of atv's, then the same argument holds water for guns.

But maybe that is really what buzz is after

Are you a tree humping, grannola munching, yule gibbons wanna be in disguise??
I suppose the natural extension of Elky's thought is, if ATV's were banned completely, who would enforce it and kick them out? They're not keeping them out of restricted areas now, so what good would it do to ban them altogether?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Elkchsr, you probably dont know the definition of winner, perhaps because you're a loser?

Just an observation, nothing more. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Your ignorance never seems to end does it... for being as educated as you keep spouting and touting, you just can't seem to break this adolescent cycle!!! Must be the third grader in you that just can't help him self because he has never been taught self control over his actions!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I suppose the natural extension of Elky's thought is, if ATV's were banned completely, who would enforce it and kick them out? They're not keeping them out of restricted areas now, so what good would it do to ban them altogether? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Good post and good points Elkhunter, Michaelr, and 'd'....
Most if not all Liberals want to blame the tool, and not the user, this is a very typical and easily seen trait of these types of individuals. It is always some one else’s fault, not the perpetrator and we must use the government to protect all from every "evil".
Proposed ATV trail would loop 250 miles

"IDAHO FALLS — The Big Lost River Valley could soon become a giant playground for all-terrain vehicles.
A proposed 250-mile ATV trail loop would connect Arco, Mackay and Challis.

“We feel this trail would provide a recreation opportunity as well as providing an additional source of revenue to these communities,” said Dave Claycomb of the Idaho Parks and Recreation Department.

The number of registered machines in Idaho has tripled from 11,327 in 1995 to 33,296 in 2001.

A committee of county, state and federal officials are reviewing the plan, and it will be discussed at three public meetings early next month.

“We´re still very much in the infancy stage,” Claycomb said. "

With that many registered ATVs in Idaho alone Im not sure a total ban will happen!!!

When you think about it ,its reather funny how much blame is placed of the ATV,when POACHING and INFORCMENT (or lack of)is the main issue .
Banning the ATV isnt going to stop poaching any more the making poaching illegal has stopped the poacher!!!!
Placing restrictions on there use and inforcing the law's we now have and supporting the org. and clubs that are working towards that goal is what will get things done.
OK time for another of my famous stupid questions...

MD4M said there were 33,296 in 2001 in Id , how much is the registrationand what are those funds used for? Why can't they be diverted to enforcement?
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